Wednesday, 2 February 2022

The End Times Forecaster With "Another Twosday 2/22/2022 Synchronicity"

  Another Twosday 2/22/2022 Synchronicity  

There is a lot of data pointing to 2/22/2022 as the day of a possible end times related event to occur. Another synchronicity for Twosday 2/22/2022 was just found. First, if you have not seen it already, here is a video about the 2/22/2022 syncs. 

Now here is the new sync. Have you ever heard of 666 as the devils’ number? I am sure you have, but how about 616? 

Revelation! 666 is not the number of the beast (it's a devilish 616) 

A newly discovered fragment of the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament indicates that, as far as the Antichrist goes, theologians, scholars, heavy metal groups, and television evangelists have got the wrong number. Instead of 666, it's actually the far less ominous 616…  

Regardless of whether the devil’s number is 666 or 616 let’s take 616 and plug it into the dollar code calculation formula to see what comes out. But before I do that let me show you a few examples of the dollar code formula listed in the book entitled; The Dollar Code. 

19.471 x 12.322 = 239.921662 = 239 years and 337 days

July 4, 1776 + 239 years and 337 days = June 6, 2016

The esoteric significance of those numbers has already been discussed except for the 322—it is the illuminati skull and bones death number—enough said.

So there it is, another piece of evidence pointing to the importance of the date of 6/6/2016 and the Venus occultation sign of the false messiah…

19.47 x 12.3853 = 241.1418 = 241 years and 52 days

July 4, 1776 + 241 years and 52 days = August 25, 2017.

.3853 (38 degrees and 53 minutes is the exact latitude of Washington, D.C.)… Adding that amount of time to 7/4/1776 brings us to 8/25/2017—the date of the Agartha inner earth symposium.

 12.55 x 19.47 = 244.3485 = 244 years and 127 days 

July 4, 1776 + 244 years and 127 days = November 8, 2020. 

(Note: 55 is the double death number.) 

And what happened on 11/8/2020? Biden defeats Trump in presidential election…

 12.555 x 19.471 = 244.458405 = 244 and 167 days 

July 4, 1776 + 244 years and 167 days = December 14, 2020. 

(Note: 555 is the triple death number.) 

And what happened on 12/14/2020? That was the first day a COVID vaccine shot was given.

Summarizing; plugging 322 into the dollar code formula yields the date of 6/6/16, the day of the Venus occultation sign of the false messiah. 3853 yields 8/25/17, the date of the Agartha inner earth symposium. (Note: Agartha is supposed to be inhabited by E.T.s which we know to be demonic.) 55—double death number—yields 11/8/20, the Biden defeats Trump day. 555—triple death number yields 12/14/20, the first day the COVID shots were given.

So, there are a few examples of the dollar code formula, and when esoterically important numbers were plugged in, dates of important events came out. Now let’s use the 616 to see what date the formula comes up with.

 12.616 x 19.47 = 245.633 = 245 years and 232 days.

 And guess how many years and days there are between 7/4/1776 and 2/22/2022. That’s right—245 years and 232 days!

 July 4, 1776 + 245 years and 232 days (exclusive) = February 22, 2022.

 So, we have the Alexa data, all the 222 encodings on USA money, the year 2022 = 222 sync, and now we can add in a dollar code date calculation, which all point to Twosday 2/22/2022. 

Will Twosday 2/22/2022 be the day a major Bible prophecy end times related event, or will it just be a day like any other day? I do not know, time will tell, but one thing is for sure, it is a day to watch.

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