Saturday, 29 January 2022

The End Times Forecaster With "The Planet X Pole Shift; We Have 14 Months Left!"

 The Planet X Pole Shift; We Have 14 Months Left! 

We have 14 months left before the pole shift will take place! That is right, only 14 months! That is what is being claimed by a scientist who bases his claim on his latest data interpolations shown below in the video featured at The Big the One. 

But before you watch the video, let me remind you that many Planet X researchers believe that it is Planet X that will cause the magnetic pole shift and my Biblical research has led me to believe that a Planet X passage will align with the opening of Seal 6. First the video and then we will discuss the ramifications of his hypothesis. 

So, there you have it, the data is indicating a pole shift within 14 months. Let it be noted that the researcher is claiming that a magnetic pole shift will occur, not a geo physical pole shift. Now if his hypothesis is true, then what are the ramifications?


First, let’s consider this piece of information that connects a Planet X Nibiru approach to a magnetic pole shift. 

Is this movement of the Poles in the last 180 years just precursor of things to come, it certainly seems so, as the evidence of Nibiru Planet X begins to become more obvious… 

According to NASA scientist a breach was found in the Earth's Magnetic Field on Dec. 16 of 2008, clearly shows some interesting coincidences… 

The coincidence of course being that the hole or breach was exactly four times the size of the Earth or the diameter of Planet X Nibiru.


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