Sunday, 17 October 2021

The Omega Shock Letter With "The Fall of Moriel and Jacob Prasch – A Special Report"



The Fall of Moriel and Jacob Prasch – A Special Report

Open sin cannot be tolerated in the Body of Christ, especially when it is present and visible within the leadership. It is our duty before God to expose corruption in the pulpit (Ephesians 5:11) and call those who have sinned to repentance.

Those who will not expose corruption, violate their responsibility towards God and are a partner to the damage done to our brothers and sisters.

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. – Hebrews 10:31

So, to my great sorrow, I must address the corruption found in Moriel Ministries and in particular, Jacob Prasch.

The Fall of Moriel and Jacob Prasch

NOTE: I like Jacob Prasch. We both lived in Israel for many years and have a love for Hebrew and the Jewish people. We both understand that we will experience the persecution of the Antichrist. We share a love for truth and a strong revulsion for heresy. And though we’d love to be able to say otherwise, we’re both as Jewish as a ham sandwich, 

Furthermore, I’ve never suffered hurt or harm at the hands of Jacob, and I admire and respect his knowledge. So, I have no reason to seek any injury to Jacob or Moriel. Quite the opposite.

But, since a wolf is loose among the sheep…


I have been a Christian for almost 50 years and have seen almost every kind of corruption that it is possible to see in the Body of Christ. Adultery. Fornication. Theft. Laziness. Heresy. Greed. Dishonesty. Cowardice. Hatred. Fraud. Slander. Blasphemy. Worldliness. Gluttony. Pride. Arrogance. And yes, even murder.

Statistics show that the abortion rate among Christians is only a little lower than non-Christians. The divorce rate among Christians is only a little lower than non-Christians. And, half of all pastors admit (anonymously) to being regular consumers of pornography.

What do you think that God will do to us, if we don’t repent of these terrible sins?

And, if you think that it’s not happening in your church, think again.


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