Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:50 AM PDT
In part 1 of this post I presented information concerning the claims being made by Joseph Gregory Hallett (JGH) and we posed the question; is he the one?
In trying to answer that question lets first consider this very important verse.
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
After Seal 1 is opened the rider on the white horse goes forth conquering. Is JGH beginning to go forth and conquer, starting with the UK and then the world? Take note that no arrows are mentioned in the passage, thus the rider on the white horse conquers without arrows—bloodless coup. It appears that JGH is being given authority to go forth to conquer the nations of the world through a “bloodless coup.”
We have already hypothesized that Seal 1 may have been opened. The Rider on the White Horse was Given a Crown! Has Seal 1 Been Opened?
Did you notice the key that JHG was given that looks like a letter opener. In the video they displayed letters with wax seals on them. I believe this was an allusion/signal to the seals of Revelation being opened.
His logo looks like 3 sevens with the third one being hidden. Those sevens also look like the monster energy drink, which in Hebrew is the letter Vav that has a numerical value of 6. Thus his logo is 777 and 666 at the same time.
He now resides in the UK. Remember the hidden map on the back of the dollar bill shows the UK as the location for the coming new world ruler.
His deadline that he gave to governments to refute his claims was 7/30-31/2020 and this just so happened to be our 40 day eclipse watch day. His letter of authority from Queen Elizabeth that he showed has a bunny cutout. There is a bunny in IPG2, in the topography of the USA, and in the Washington, D.C. street layout. The bunny is a representation of satan.
He claims to be from the lineage of Jesus and Mary (heretical belief) and thus he is the King of Israel. The Jews are expecting their Messiah to be descended from David, which anyone descended from Jesus would be (heretical belief, Jesus had no descendants). The Jews have also said that the Messiah is alive and is expected imminently. Here is an excerpt from The Coming Epiphany regarding this.
…The scriptures say that the antichrist will be given great—but limited—power and he will deceive many. “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Matt. 24:24).
It is noteworthy that prophecy number three above states that the antichrist will be a descendant of David. There is a popular but blasphemous book called the Da Vinci Code which asserts that certain royal European bloodlines are descended from the supposed marriage between Mary Magdalene and Jesus.
The premise is that Mary Magdalene stood pregnant with His baby as He was crucified, and that she was whisked away to safety immediately after the crucifixion. Later, as the story goes, Mary Magdalene gave birth to a girl, the alleged physical daughter of Jesus. Subsequently, the girl grew up and married and gave birth to another girl. This trend supposedly continued on with girl births always until this present time…there was and always will be a female descendant of Jesus until finally a male child is born of that bloodline. This male child is to be the ruler of the world.[1]
We know this coming “ruler of the world” to be the antichrist. This ridiculous theory is pure blasphemy, but is part of the intricate plan to trick the world into accepting the claims of the false messiah…
So is JGH the one, one of the many types, or a diversion to the real one? This is something that needs watching. Now consider this.
If Seal 1 has been opened, which what JGH is saying would confirm, then Seal 2—WW3—Is next, followed by the Seal 3 financial collapse, and then the Seal 4 death of ¼ of the world’s population. After which the new world ruler will take over the world.
This will be followed by the Seal 5 persecution war against Jews and Christians. Then comes our deliverance via the rapture after Seal 6 has been opened. Then the wrath of God will be poured out upon the world.
At the very least, after listening to the JGH videos in part 1, I hope you still are not adhering to the pretribulation rapture theory. It should be evident that the information in the videos suggest at the very least, that Seal 1 has been opened and the rider on the white horse is going forth conquering and to conquer.
It has been scripturally proven, which has never been refuted, that the rapture will not occur until after Seal 6 is opened. The Seals are upon us, the exact timing is still to be revealed, you must prepare.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Brian is a well known Bible teacher with a particular emphasis on Biblical end time events. Believing that these events are already underway, he believes that the Rapture of the Church to glory is imminent. Brian and Gilly (pic here with Bethan)travel throughout the UK and he also teaches in Europe and the USA. Although they are regularly in fellowships and churches who know them well, they are most happy to visit new venues to bring the message of the Gospel and the nearness of Christs return.
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