Sunday, 26 July 2020

COVID-19 Chief Anthony Fauci Attended A Baseball Game, Didn’t Social Distance And Didn’t Wear A Mask, Sparking Cries Of ‘Fauci The Fraud!’

New post on Now The End Begins

COVID-19 Chief Anthony Fauci Attended A Baseball Game, Didn’t Social Distance And Didn’t Wear A Mask, Sparking Cries Of ‘Fauci The Fraud!’

by Geoffrey Grider


Critics of Dr. Anthony Fauci taunted him Thursday for watching a baseball game in person without a mask, and not social distancing himself.

In 1789, Queen Marie-Antoinette when told her subjects had no bread to eat, famously sniffed "let them eat cake!". In 1988, ultra-rich real estate tycoon Leona Helmsley said to her servant "We don't pay taxes. The little people pay taxes." In 2020, CDC czar Anthony Fauci forced America to go into lockdown, social distance and wear a mask, but he doesn't do any of those things himself. In fact, after ordered Major League Baseball to play games in masks with no fans allowed in the stadiums, he went and took the best seats for him and his friends.
"Sic semper tyrannis" -  A Latin phrase meaning "thus always to tyrants".
Do you get the picture yet? It's as plain as the nose on your face that's hidden behind the mask that Anthony Fauci is making you wear while you walk alone in the park. This is a game to these people, this is about power, it's about control, and it's working like a charm. They won't tell you that the death rate from COVID is 0.6%, but they will terrify you into thinking that you're being chase by a deadly pathogen from which there is no escape. Lies, lies, all lies.
See the look on Fauci's face in the photo? Wanna know what he's laughing at? He's laughing at you.
great-reset-world-econmic-forum-contact-tracing-bill-gates-666-new-order-covid-19-global-lockdown-elites-united-nations-id2020-digital-immunity-passportTHE GLOBAL ELITES ARE CALLING IT ‘THE GREAT RESET’ AND IT IS EXACTLY WHAT END TIMES BOOKS AND MOVIES HAVE BEEN WARNING YOU ABOUT FOR DECADES

'Fauci The Fraud' Doesn't Social Distance, Doesn't Wear A Mask

FROM BREITBART NEWS: Fauci made a public appearance at the Washington Nationals home opener against the New York Yankees, wearing a team-themed mask when he threw out the first pitch. The team invited Dr. Fauci to recognize his efforts in fighting the coronavirus pandemic, which significantly shortened the baseball season and threatened to cancel it altogether.
After his on-camera appearance, Fauci sat in the stands to watch the game and removed his mask. He was also not properly socially distanced (six feet apart) from two other people in the ballpark.
“And there’s Dr. Anthony Fauci showing us all he knows exactly how well masks work!” wrote former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, a frequent critic of Fauci’s alarmism about coronavirus. “Thanks for the lesson, doc.”
The photo was taken by Associated Press photographer Alex Brandon and was not edited or photoshopped.
Nothing screams “I’m a fraud!” more than being against masks until your fans demanded them, lying about why you were originally against them, signaling your virtue by needlessly wearing 1 while throwing out 1st pitch (poorly & like a fame whore) & then doing THIS! #FauciTheFraud
— John Ziegler (@Zigmanfreud) July 24, 2020
Other Fauci critics posted other images of the doctor watching the game without a mask. Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser enacted a strict mask order on Wednesday ordering people over the age of two leaving their homes would be required to wear a mask with the threat of a fine of up to $1,000 for violating the order.
In March, Fauci said there was “no reason to be walking around with a mask” even though it “might make people feel a little bit better” but has since reversed his opinion in favor of frequent mask-wearing.
In July, Fauci said he did not regret his earlier advice because, “in the context of the time in which I said it, it was correct.”
“When it became clear that the infection could be spread by asymptomatic carriers who don’t know they’re infected, that made it very clear that we had to strongly recommend masks,” he said to InStyle MagazineREAD MORE

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