Friday, 5 June 2020

THE LIARS CLUB Featuring Bill Gates, The CDC, Fauci And Birx Now Totally Silent About The Mass Race Riots Across America Proves The COVID-19 Lockdown Was A Total Scam

New post on Now The End Begins

Bill Gates, The CDC, Fauci And Birx Now Totally Silent About The Mass Race Riots Across America Proves The COVID-19 Lockdown Was A Total Scam

by Geoffrey Grider


If you're not sick, everytime you put your mask on, the same masks worn by ANTIFA terrorists, you are allowing them to control you.

From the middle of March until just about 9 days ago, there was one persistent and consistent message drilled into our heads around the clock - it's not safe to go outside. COVID-19 was spreading faster than it could be contained, they said, and the only remedy was a total lockdown of the economy, and of the people. Breathless news updates from Bill Gates, CNN, the CDC, the WHO, Fauci and Birx made us to believe that it would be tantamount to murder for us to gather in groups. Unless, of course, you wanted to take part in race riots.
"A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?" Jeremiah 5:30,31 (KJB)
First it was voluntary, then it was mandatory. Then came the George Soros race riots and just like that, the COVID-19 lockdown was over. It's a Christmas miracle! ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter have cured the coronavirus!
Far from being a miracle, the New World Order elites simply transitioned from oppressing us by locking us down to oppressing us by allowing race riots to consume over 200 American cities and towns. They told us churches had to close because a roomful of 100 people could spread coronavirus to tens of thousands. So funny, when the race riots started, they gathered in packs of untold thousands, and no one said a word about coronavirus. They arrested shop owners one day for daring to reopen their businesses, and the next day they allowed ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter terrorists to burn those same businesses to the ground.
Bill Gates, his global vaccinations, ID2020 digital identification and the coming Mark of the Beast. Don't take it.
Bill Gates went silent, Anthony Fauci disappeared, Dr. Birx went AWOL, but don't worry, they'll be back before you know it. But they have to stay silent now to allow the race riots to terrorize the people, and to make us afraid, so that when the second lockdown comes we will continue to obey them. This is the game, this is the plan. If you're not sick, everytime you put your mask on, the same masks worn by ANTIFA terrorists, you are allowing them to control you. Gates, Fauci and Birx are the ones who demanded the economy be shut down, demanded that Americans be locked down, and now have stayed silent as the rioters rape, loot and pillage.
Tell me, have you seen one CDC or WHO model predicting doom and gloom from the tens of thousands of rioters all meeting in one place? No, you haven't, did COVID-19 suddenly go away? Sure seems like it. Welcome to the great reset.
This is not going to stop, it's not even going to slow down, the global elites behind this coup have one thing after another all lined up and just waiting to be released. The election in November? Already done, your vote is not necessary to the process. Take your masks off, people, release yourselves from the chains we've allowed them to place on us. See the New World Order elites for the pathetic, obvious liars that they are. Hey, Bill Gates, you reading this? Come at me with your poison-filled vaccine and implantable digital ID, I'm ready for you. So very ready.
"My beloved is like a roe or a young hart: behold, he standeth behind our wall, he looketh forth at the windows, shewing himself through the lattice. My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away." Song Of Solomon 2:9,10 (KJB)

This Is #TheGreatReset. You Have Been Warned. 

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