Monday, 21 October 2019


Having talked and written to the leaderships of the so called Christian Church and politicians who claim to be Christians in sharing the call for the Church and the nation to REPENTANCE and SALVATION, there has been little response. Replies have only come from a few Members of Parliament between 2018 and 2019.
Local church ministers do not wish to know; neither does the main church denominations in the United Kingdom have given the courtesy of a reply while archbishops, bishops, and clergymen prefer to project themselves in doing good deeds, involve with project work, but silent about the true message of the Gospel, do not wish to contend the Faith, and fail to mention REPENTANCE and SALVATION. So how can they be disciplined when switched off to the Voice of Almighty God and His instructions and do not wish to know Him who is our Creator? Instead, do as they please and think it is fit in the sight of the Lord God Almighty!

Immorality, false teachings and prophecies, down grading the role of Christianity, treating other religious on par under the disguise that they all lead to God, while accepting occult practices as from the Holy Spirit, has become the norm When declaring on behalf of Almighty God that He is going to do this and that in bringing about the so called world wide revival which is either on its way or arriving soon, it can be questionable of the source from which this is being said and from who are making these predictions. Why? This is neither Biblical nor the words are being said by Holy Spirit, Christ, or directly from the Lord God Almighty himself. This is deception coming from the root itself!
The effect over how Members of Parliament have voted this weekend, the consequences following are that the United Kingdom is not leaving the European Union, despite the EU agreeing to and accepting the negotiated deal by the British Prime Minister. 
The deliberate delay that has been orchestrated in the House of Commons by the wealthy liberal elite and MPs who are Remainers causing more confusion and crisis. This has been blatantly obvious. Large sums of money has been spent in order to scrap Brexit, especially using parliamentary procedures and the courts to stop the UK from leaving the EU. While Brexit is being undermined within the political arena and behind the scenes. Money and positions of power has been seen in this case.
The result of the 2016 Referendum has been squashed and considered no longer appropriate for the UK. Democracy has been curtailed and pushed aside for the sake of the status quo. Is this going to get any better? No!. The question arising over the bedlam taking place is will the UK depart from the EU on Halloween (31st October 2019) or will the nation be stuck to the apron strings of the European Union and remain that way tied?
What the hierarchy of the Church system is doing is by turning a blind eye to what goes on around them. Excuses have been made for which this does not concern them, nor do they wish to stand up and be counted for Christ. They fear persecution, and at the same time, wish to remain ticking over just as they are. That is one reason why decision making in line with the Word of God is on the back burner. So where does the Body of Christ go from here regarding the falling away that is evident within the religious church? Do Bible Believing Christians come out from the apostate church where heretical teachings, such as Replacement Theology, abound? Do Christians stand up for Christ despite opposition coming from within and outside of the Church showing what lies behind the ugly face of erroneous teachings and practices. For prophecy does declare that there will be a world leader (the anti Christ) and the False Prophet who will be allowed to rule and be in control of the political and religious system for seven insidious years - and without mercy!

But then, who are prepared to read the Bible about the forthcoming events and get on their knees and pray before Almighty God and seek Him while they are able? Who wants and wishes to preach the Good News openly and publicly? Who are prepared to follow the Lord Jesus Christ and willingly stand by Him in the act of adversity? For doing this, will cost people a lot for those standing up to be counted!
By reading Matthew 22 verse 14 it is declared "For many are called, but few are chosen."
The word “calling” is used several times throughout the Bible, in different contexts. In this instance Christ is using the word “called” as an invitation. This parable is an analogy of what we have been invited to. An invitation to something more than a life lived serving only ourselves. An invitation to live a life together with Christ, serving God and experiencing the fulfillment that brings to life. And an invitation to be Christ's disciples which is to follow in His footsteps. Together ultimately, an invitation to spend eternity with Him!
This is a calling that God puts in the heart, and there are many different ways people sense this. Anyone who gets the chance to hear the gospel and make a decision about whether or not to become a disciple
A disciple is another word for a follower of Christ, one who is learning to be like his Master. As a disciple you follow Jesus Christ, who is the Master and by living like Him you become more like Him. (read Matthew 16 verse 24 and 1 Peter 2 verses 21 to 22) is considered to be among the many who are called. Many people receive this invitation. Christ gave the disciples the job of going out and making disciples of all the nations. (read Matthew 28 verse 19)
To be chosen is to accept the invitation and to do what is necessary to accept the invitation: to give up everything in this world. ( read Luke 9 verses 23 to 24 and Luke 14 verse 26) That is, to say “Yes!” to the calling and then to follow it up with a faithful disciple life. Almighty God calls us, but those who are chosen are those who wholeheartedly accept the invitation and its conditions.
Because not many want to pay the price, Christ says in another place that the gate is narrow, and the way is hard that leads to life, therefore few choose this way. (read Matthew 7 verses 13 to 14) The reason it is hard is that we have to give up everything in this world. Our egotism, our own ideas, opinions, thoughts and feelings, our own will, our own desires. We do this in order to be completely obedient to the leading of the Master.
In order to be chosen, you have to show that you really want this life with all of your heart. You cannot hold a little back for the world, for relationships, for your self-seeking, etc. It is 100% obedience to Christ - 100% faithfulness!

Only those who really want to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, walking in His footsteps as He instructs them, get grace to do as it is written in the Bible. They bear fruit, which are the virtues. These virtues are the proper wedding garments that we make for ourselves so that we can accept the invitation and be clothed appropriately, so that we are not cast out like the man in the parable mentioned in Matthew 22 verses 1 to 14.
It does not matter what our starting point is, who we are by nature, what our background is, what talents we do or do not have, what knowledge we have, what our circumstances are. The thing that determines whether or not we are chosen is how we respond to the calling when we sense the Lord Almighty God’s invitation in our heart, and what fruit we bear as a result.

This is what is all about when there has been the call to REPENTANCE and SALVATION. Failing to take heed is what we are experiencing now. That is why the Judgement of God, as seen by Believers, has become evident and visible, and will continue in the Last Days.

The danger becoming is the surge of teachings and practices that is occurring both in the secular and religious sectors of society that are being modernized to suit the whims of the 21st century where Christianity is in decline throughout the western hemisphere. The relentless of the falling away from Biblical teachings and practices is gaining a momentum and which is influencing the Church systems from within which in turn are making a mockery of the instructions given by Almighty God as written in the Word of God.
The way in which denominational churches are behaving and changing scripture to suit outside practices and beliefs, will not stop there. Many have become businesses adapted to worldly financial affairs while church buildings have become less of a place of worship but replaced as social community centres, and at the same time, embracing yoga techniques of prayer and meditation, together allowing the usage by entertainment methods to get bums on seats on what is deemed to be called church services.

Most certainly, the Christian Church is being hoodwinked from within, entertaining every wind and doctrine without discernment, while doing its own thing in the sight of Almighty God. The explanation is that Almighty God is supposedly doing something new, and at the same time said to be modernizing the Church, to include accepting prophetic utterances proclaimed to be of God and indulging in signs and wonders coming from the occult realm.

One thing for sure as the wealthy liberal elite and a large number of politicians and peers are trying devious means in stopping the UK from leaving the EU, they will not be able use unscrupulous tactics in delaying or putting a stop to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Clergymen, religious leaders and their followers may try to alter the teachings concerning the Last Days dismissing prophetic events yet to happen. In doing so they do so at their peril! For what will be, will be, and people trying to ridicule the Word of God and replacing His word with something else, will have to pay the consequences following.

Praise the Lord that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back soon,

Bruv John Shipton

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