Saturday 8 June 2019

Renowned Roman Catholic Hymnist David Haas New Song Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Month Reveals Shocking Truth About The ‘Mother Of Harlots’

New post on Now The End Begins

Renowned Roman Catholic Hymnist David Haas New Song Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Month Reveals Shocking Truth About The ‘Mother Of Harlots’

by Geoffrey Grider

Renowned US Catholic hymnist composes song to celebrate pro-homosexual ‘Pride month’

Famous American Catholic hymnist David Haas whose songs are sung in Catholic churches across the continent every Sunday has composed a chant to celebrate homosexuality.

I was a member of the Roman Catholic church for nearly 30 years, attended Jesuit-run schools for 12 of those year, and was an altar boy for 3 of those years. Never once in all the masses I attended did I ever hear any priest, bishop or monsignor preach or speak against homosexuality. Why? Because most of them were homosexuals themselves. One of those priests at my old church, Father Kevin Downey, was suspended in 2016 on charges of pedophilia, and later found to be guilty. And that's the 'secret' problem that the Roman Catholic corporation is truly dealing with at the moment.
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." Revelation 18:4,5 (KJV)
Many Catholics right now are 'shocked' that their beloved contemporary hymn writer has just composed a song celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Month, but seriously? Every time you went to mass and saw 'father' whoever come swishing down the aisle, what went through your head? No, if you are honest, and that's a tough thing for a Mary-worshipping but Mary-worshipping denier to pull off, you have known forever that the Roman Catholic Church is run largely by homosexuals. You would have to be blind, deaf and dumb to have missed it. Pope Francis, when confronted by a man who became homosexual after being raped as a child by a Catholic priest, told him that 'it's OK, God made you that way." Well, if God did make you that way, then how can it be a sin? See where all this is leading to? Francis will say "who am I to judge" because he knows that the majority of all Catholic priests and bishops are homosexual.
What we are starting to see now with the Roman Catholic harlot is not a new thing, but a revealing of what has always been there since 313 AD. The Roman Catholic Church was created by the Roman government, a government that openly displayed homosexuality right up to the time of their collapse. In 2019, homosexuality is not being added to the Catholic Church, it is being shown to us openly now as something that has always been present. The RCC has been rotten to the core from its earliest days. Pope Francis for some time now has been positioning and preparing his flock to accept and receive the LGBTQ+ with open arms, and indeed they are already there.

Renowned US Catholic hymnist composed song to celebrate pro-homosexual ‘Pride month’

FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: David Haas, 61, is known by Catholics throughout the English-speaking world for such hymns as “Blessed are They,” “You Are Mine,” and “Servant Song.” Jesuit-run America Magazine has called Haas “one of the most prolific and significant liturgical composers of the post-Vatican II English-speaking church.”
On Monday, June 3, Haas announced on social media that he had written a refrain to celebrate “Pride Month.” His post included an image with rainbow colors with the word “pride” written across in bold white letters.
In a now-deleted post on Facebook that was captured by LifeSiteNews, the composer wrote: “For Pride Month, last night I composed a Taize’-like (ostinato) refrain, based on Psalm 139, 13-14.” Haas provided the text and permission to use his composition for the duration of “Pride.” His  lyrics conclude with the sentiments, “You have created every part of me; you’ve made me wonderful, you’ve made me wonderful.”
“If you want a ‘rough copy’ of the score to use - and you can use it with my permission this month - if printing, please agree to include the copyright info below - send me a PM here on FB, with your email address, and I will get it to you in the next couple of days,” he added.

Hass' Facebook message received a mixed response before it was removed.

Haas subsequently published two posts by LGBT activist Fr. James Martin, S.J., one offering a prayer “for those who feel rejected” and another the latest encouraging Catholics not to “be wary of June’s ‘Pride Month’ events.”
Martin continued: “It’s one way for LGBT people to be proud that they are beloved children of God, that they have families and friends who love them as they are, and that they have the right to be treated with ‘respect, compassion and sensitivity,’ as the Catechism asks, especially after years of persecution. And, for many of them, years of coming to accept themselves as God created them.” The priest acknowledged that “not every Pride Month event or celebration will be to everyone's liking or taste, but the underlying point--LGBT people should be proud of who they are, after centuries of persecution and violence--is an important one.”
Haas’s tune celebrating “Pride Month,” like Martin’s assurances that its “events” are nothing to be wary of, is in sharp contrast to Bishop Thomas Tobin’s reminder to Catholics that they should “not support or attend LGBTQ ‘Pride Month’ events.” READ MORE

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