Sunday 24 February 2019

New Age Witch And Spiritual Adviser To Oprah Marianne Williamson Announces That She Will Be Running As A Democratic Candidate For President In 2020. God Help America If She Wins!!

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New Age Witch And Spiritual Advisor To Oprah Marianne Williamson Announces That She Will Be Running As A Democratic Candidate For President In 2020

by Geoffrey Grider


A Return to Love was published in 1992, and Marianne Williamson shot to stardom. Oprah heavily endorsed the book, claiming she experienced “157 miracles” after she reading the book, which lead to the book selling an additional one million copies.

2019 may just be looked on as the 'year of the witch' before it is over, never before in America has black magic and the occult held such prominence in our national discourse. From the upcoming  Christian Witches Convention to New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady using spells and incantations to win Super Bowls, it looks like witchcraft is here to stay.
"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV)
Now comes news of New Age witch and spiritual advisor to Oprah, Marianne Williamson, throwing her pointed hat into the Democratic pack of 2020 presidential hopefuls. Williamson loves to use Christian-sounding buzzwords and soundbytes, but don't let that fool you. She is a New Age witch through and through.

Marianne Williamson is Oprah’s spiritual adviser. She’s also running for president of the United States.

FROM VOX: The 2020 election has already seen a motley crew of non-politicians express interest in running for the presidency, from fugitive/disgraced cybersecurity impresario John McAfee to former Starbucks CEO and self-aggrandizing billionaire Howard Schultz. Yet perhaps none of the potential nominees has been as head-scratch-worthy as author and spiritual leader Marianne Williamson, who formally announced her candidacy on Monday night.
In a live-streamed event broadcast from a Beverly Hills theater, Williamson strode onto the stage against the backdrop of a giant American flag, to rapturous reception from the crowd. She announced that she wanted to run for president as a way “to engage voters in a more meaningful conversation about America, about our history, about how each of us fit into it, and how to create a sustainable future.”
”Our national challenges are deep, but our political conversation is shallow,” Williamson said. “My campaign is for people who want to dig deeper into the questions we face as a nation and deeper into finding the answers.’’
Jesus is by no means the only name Williamson likes to drop. ”A Course in Miracles helped me access something on a much deeper level than I ever had before,” she allows, ”but I’ll refer to Buddhism, Jung, Abe Lincoln, Gandhi, Star Wars — you can find truth anywhere.”
If you listened to Williamson’s speech without knowing anything about her or her work, you’d be forgiven for assuming she sounded less like a presidential candidate than like a New Age-style spiritual leader of sorts, because that’s exactly what she is. A world-famous spiritual leader and author of New Age tomes such as A Woman’s Worth and A Return to Love (the latter of which was plugged by none other than the high priestess of the genre, Oprah Winfrey), the brassy, straight-talking, highly charismatic Williamson has attracted fans all over the world, including celebrities like Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, Nicole Richie, and Laura Dern.

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