Saturday 5 February 2022

U.S. Complicity And Complacency Endangers Christians Worldwide


U.S. Complicity And Complacency Endangers Christians Worldwide
Early every year, Open Doors presents its updated World Watch List: "The top 50 countries where it's most difficult to follow Jesus." This year's presentation included exceptionally worrisome information about new dangers globally, and deadly shifts in the free world's responses.
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New National Debt Milestone Signals Currency Crisis Ahead
The U.S. reached a $30 trillion milestone this week. Instead of signifying a great achievement, though, it serves as a dire warning for American workers, investors, and retirees.
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Israel Holds Secret 'Massive Attack' Drill Against Iran With US Participation
The drill involved dozens of Air Force jets and included several scenarios. Among them - long-range strikes, mid-air refueling, and responses against anti-aircraft weaponry.
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It's Back: Senators Want EARN IT Bill to Scan All Online Messages
People don't want outsiders reading their private messages--not their physical mail, not their texts, not their DMs, nothing. It's a clear and obvious point, but one place it doesn't seem to have reached is the U.S. Senate.
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