Wednesday 2 February 2022

TRUST THE SCIENCE! Joe Biden Is Double-Vaxxed And Boosted, Yet His White House Staff Lives In Crippling Fear That He Will Catch COVID Anyway. Why?


New post on Now The End Begins

TRUST THE SCIENCE! Joe Biden Is Double-Vaxxed And Boosted, Yet His White House Staff Lives In Crippling Fear That He Will Catch COVID Anyway. Why?

by Geoffrey Grider


When President Joe Biden met with U.S. governors at the White House on Monday, he was the only one given a glass of water — lest anyone else remove their mask to take a drink.

Does anyone else find it curious that pretend president Joe Biden has been double-vaxxed and boosted, yet his entire White House staff lives in daily fear that he will contract COVID-19 anyway? They go to extraordinary lengths every day to shield him and protect him from catching COVID as if he was never vaccinated at all. That alone shows you how little faith the very people promoting the vaccines actually have in those vaccines. Hopefully, you are making a note of that fascinating little gem. Trust the science, baby, trust the science!

"If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked." Proverbs 29:12 (KJB)

One one hand, it is encouraging to see large sections of the world pushing back against these fascist vaccine mandates and against the Immunity Passports, as they should be doing. But on the other hand, I think the vast majority of people are still unaware that the restrictions on their freedoms are not going to be restored in any meaningful way. mRNA is not going away, indeed they are now planning a mandatory yearly jab that will replace the booster shots. But it's not stopping, it's not going away, and you can expect to see mRNA showing up everywhere. You see, these are not vaccines, they are gene editing tools, and the goal has never been to 'vaccinate' you, it has always been about editing and modifying your DNA. The only question is, to what end? Go read Revelation 13 and see for yourself.

clair-bridges-fully-vaccinated-gets-covid-develops-myocarditis-blood-clots-loses-legs-double-amputation-vaccines-safe-effective-adverse-reactions-vaers-cdc-fauciNTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: WHAT THEY SAID COULDN’T HAPPEN TO THE VACCINATED IS ABSOLUTELY HAPPENING AND IT IS TERRIFYINGLY HORRIFIC

All-out effort to keep double-vaxxed and boosted President Joe Biden COVID-free; no ‘normal’ yet

FROM THE AP: President Joe Biden was seated more than 10 feet from everyone, including Vice President Kamala Harris and members of his Cabinet. A White House staffer who was wearing a surgical mask when Biden entered the room was quickly handed an N95 version.

These are just some of the extraordinary efforts on the part of the White House to keep the president from getting COVID-19, even though he’s gotten both of his regular vaccinations and his booster. It’s no surprise that unusual steps are taken to protect any president. But the strict precautions could also threaten to undercut the Biden administration’s own efforts to tell Americans — especially those who are vaccinated and boosted — that they can get on with something closer to their normal lives in the face of the omicron wave.

And it’s emblematic of the messaging challenges surrounding the administration’s approach to COVID-19 as the virus becomes endemic, familiar and somewhat controlled but still menacing, with hard-to-follow guidelines often unevenly implemented.

For months, Biden aides have fretted that the people who are most protected against COVID-19 remain the most cautious, a dynamic they view as a drag on the nation’s economic and psychological recovery.

When the highly transmissible omicron variant hit, Biden said it was a “cause for concern, not cause for panic.”

In recent weeks, his aides and science advisers have highlighted study after study showing the strong protection offered by the COVID vaccines against the variant and reassuring vaccinated people they can go about their daily lives. At a Jan. 19 press conference, Biden declared: “We have the tools — vaccines, boosters, masks, tests, pills — to save lives and keep businesses and schools open” and rejected the notion that still-widespread restrictions reflect a “’new normal.”

“It will get better,” he promised. READ MORE

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