Friday 4 February 2022

The End Times Forecaster With "Recalculating the End of Days…I Wonder If This Is It!?"

 Recalculating the End of Days…I Wonder If This Is It!? 

Several years ago I sat down and attempted to put all of the internal and external timing parameters associated with the last 7 years in an easy to understand chart, which I was able to come up with, and included in The Coming Epiphany. 

In that chart, pictured below (click to enlarge), I used 2019 as an example year of how the calculations would come out. Note: when I made the chart I was not saying 2019 was the year, it was an example year, but I did pick 2019 because out of all the years I thought it was the most likely. Here is that chart. (click to enlarge)


As you can see the following parameters, which are explained in The Coming Epiphany, are displayed on the chart. 

2520 days in the last 7 years

1260 days rule of the antichrist

1260 days ministry of 2 witnesses

1290 days from A of D till “the end”

1335 days from A of D till “blessed” 

Using those parameters and realizing that Jesus fulfilled the spring feasts with His first coming, and thus I firmly believe He will fulfill the fall feasts with His second coming, and that Rosh Hashanah will be fulfilled when Jesus returns to the earth at Armageddon. I thus calculated the start date of 10/19/19 by subtracting 2519 days from Rosh Hashanah. 

So, the chart above was based on those parameters and logic. However in response to a comment left by a reader I decided to do a little recalculating. Here is what I came up with. (click to enlarge)


As you can see the start date has been backed up 30 days, all the parameters are fulfilled, the end of the 2520 days of the last 7 years and the end of the ministry of the two witnesses aligns with the beginning of the Bowl judgments, the end of the antichrist’s reign of 1260 days aligns with Armageddon at Rosh Hashanah, and the end of the 1335 days aligns with the feast of Tabernacles and the beginning of the Millennium. 

FULL ARTICLE AT: Recalculating the End of Days…I Wonder If This Is It!?

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