Sunday 6 February 2022

"The Drums of War and Famine" by John Little From The Omega Shock Letter.


The Drums of War and Famine

The drums of war were louder this week – in ways that sounded a lot like those ‘weapons of mass destruction’ claims that led to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. And, this drive towards conflict almost drowned out a more subtle and deadly voice.

Because our governments are run by the worst possible leaders (see The Peter Principle), we will get the worst possible outcome. And, I had been hoping for a less cartoonish response from those sending us to war. When I saw Ned Price, the spokesman for the US State Department, say this, I knew that they were doing their best to push us into a war with Russia:

It’s almost as if the US State Department had lost its mind. They were making absolutely ridiculous claims without a shred of evidence and asking us to believe them – on their word alone. And, it reminded me of the Weapons of Mass Destruction claim made by Secretary of State Colin Powell, in front of the United Nations.

Powell’s ridiculous claims led to a disastrous invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the handover of power in the Middle East to Iran. Hundreds of thousands died, and millions of lives were ruined beyond repair. A trillion dollars were wasted. Lives were shattered. And all of it for an unknown foreign policy goal.

The result is a resurgent Shia Crescent that sweeps from Iran, through Iraq, into Syria and Lebanon. It’s almost as if the United States wanted to hand the Middle East over to the Ayatollahs in Tehran. And, before you jump in and tell me that this was all planned, let me remind you that I used to work for government.


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