Friday 4 February 2022

HAS CREEPY JOE ACTUALLY KILLED THE ISIS LEADER?? - American President ‘Walkaway Joe’ Biden Authorizes Strike On ISIS Leader In Syria Killing 13 People Including 4 Women And 6 Children


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American President ‘Walkaway Joe’ Biden Authorizes Strike On ISIS Leader In Syria Killing 13 People Including 4 Women And 6 Children

by Geoffrey Grider


US Special Forces killed ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi in a counterterrorism mission in northwest Syria Wednesday evening, President 'Walkaway Joe' Biden announced Thursday morning. It also killed innocent civilian women and children.

This morning, 'Walkaway Joe' Biden, the man who butchered the withdrawal of Americans from Afghanistan leaving hundreds stranded and killed an entire civilian Afghan family in a drone strike, was beaming from ear to ear as he announced "oops, I did it again!" from the White House. Biden's latest "attack on terrorism" has resulted in the deaths of 6 children and 4 women who had nothing to do with the ISIS leader targeted in the strike. Help me here, are we supposed to applaud this and wave the flag?

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." Proverbs 29:2 (KJB)

Attacking low-level ISIS leaders is a time wasting proposition, they're like cockroaches who keep popping up no matter how many times you spray your can of RAID on them. Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was not low level, but he was not the top guy either. Are we going to just ignore the civilians killed in this strike like their lives had no value? Certainly this is not something to brag about, but this is how Liberals view human life. What else would you expect from the people who call murdering your baby a 'human right'? Take your victory lap, 'Walkaway Joe', and have fun splashing around in the blood of your victims. You will give an account one day to Him who watches it all.

joe-biden-drone-strike-kabul-killed-innocent-aid-worker-his-children-afghanistan-taliban-democrats2021: WHY ARE JOE BIDEN AND THE DEMOCRATS BRAGGING ABOUT DRONE STRIKE IN KABUL THAT ONLY TOOK OUT AN INNOCENT US AID WORKER AND HIS 7 BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN?

'Walkaway Joe' Biden Authorizes Strike On ISIS Leader That Winds Up Killing 4 Women And 6 Children

FROM CNN: It was the the biggest US raid in the country since the 2019 operation that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Sources on the ground reported multiple fatalities. At least 13 people were killed in clashes that took place during and after the raid -- including six children and four women -- according to the Syrian civil defense group, the White Helmets. There were no US casualties, according to the Pentagon.

"Last night at my direction, US military forces in northwest Syria successfully undertook a counterterrorism operation to protect the American people and our Allies, and make the world a safer place," Biden said in a statement. "Thanks to the skill and bravery of our Armed Forces, we have taken off the battlefield Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi -- the leader of ISIS. All Americans have returned safely from the operation."

 Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said in a statement late Wednesday night that the mission was conducted by US Central Command, which controls military operations and activities in the Middle East.

The three-sentence Pentagon statement did not disclose a target for the special operations mission or whether there was any indication of civilian casualties. But witnesses and rescue workers told CNN that shelling and explosions preceded an airdrop of US forces shortly after midnight and targeted a house in the Syrian-Turkish border area of Atmeh, in the rebel enclave of Idlib. In addition to the 13 killed, two people were also injured and a building was "partially destroyed" following the raid, according to the White Helmets. READ MORE

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