Thursday 6 May 2021

Iran Releases Horrifying Propaganda Video Displaying The United States Capitol Blown Up By Missile Strike Showing Contempt For Biden Rule


New post on Now The End Begins

Iran Releases Horrifying Propaganda Video Displaying The United States Capitol Blown Up By Missile Strike Showing Contempt For Biden Rule

by Geoffrey Grider


HORRIFYING fake footage of the US Capitol being blown up was released by Iran as Joe Biden comes under increasing pressure to take action from a GOP senator.

The entire 4 years that Donald Trump was president, the rogue terror state of Iran was kept under fairly tight control, at the very least the Iranians knew that Trump would act decisively when pushed. Evidentially there is no such respect for the pretend presidency of the Joe Biden administration as evidenced is a video Iran released showing an Iranian missile destroying the United States Capitol building.

It's brutally difficult watching Joe Biden attempt to read from the teleprompter, he gets lost on the simplest of subjects, so much so that he stumbles trying to read pre-written answers to 'candid' interviews. It will be interesting to see how his handlers push him to respond to this latest crisis, as his silence on Iran nuclear uranium enrichment is deafening.

iran-vows-revenge-against-israel-attack-natanz-nuclear-plant-uranium-enrichment-60-perfect-middle-eastBIDEN ADMINISTRATION REMAINS SILENT AS IRAN PREPARES TO TAKE URANIUM ENRICHMENT TO 60%

Iran releases horrifying fake propaganda video showing the US Capitol blow up as GOP senate pushes Biden to take action

FROM THE SUN US: The video leaked on state-controlled Iranian TV on Sunday before Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's speech depicted a missile being fired as the Washington DC building is engulfed in flames. Biden is now under mounting pressure not to surrender to Iran's threats by Republicans as tensions between both countries continue simmer. The Washington Free Beacon reported that Khamenei praised the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), who have repeatedly launched operations against the United States, in his address. The head of the IRGC, Qassem Soleimani, was killed during a drone strike conducted on Donald Trump's orders.

"The Americans have been for years deeply saddened by the Islamic republic's influence, and they were angry with General Soleimani for this reason and martyred him for this reason," Khamenei raged.

Republican Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania blasted the fake attack on the US Capitol on Twitter and highlighted a video of Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, giving a grim assessment of their relations with America.

Toomey wrote: "Last week, Iran's chief diplomat allegedly admitted the IRGC calls the shots in Tehran.

"Now, Iran releases a fake video of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps blowing up our Capitol. The Biden admin's priority should be ensuring Iran cannot carry out such an attack, not capitulating by removing sanctions."

The day the faux Capitol attack footage emerged, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani proclaimed that the USA has lost the "economic war" against Iran. Rouhani described the sanctions against Tehran as being on the "brink of extermination" as tensions escalate, despite reports of a mutual pact. In the tape obtained by the Beacon, Zarif said Tehran won't ever concede to Washington, nor will they ever come to an agreement.

"I believe Iran and the U.S. will never be friends as long as the Islamic republic preserves its identity," the Iranian official stated, per the tape. "Never will our issues with America be resolved."

Trump withdrew from the deal in 2018, which was completed under Obama, and he introduced new sanctions on Tehran. The US' European allies objected to this sanctions and Iran violated the deal when Trump withdrew, continuing its nuclear program far beyond the stipulations of the deal. However, Iranian and American officials are reportedly in talks about reviving the Iran nuclear deal, according to reports. But officials there are refusing to roll back their nuclear activities until Biden lifts the Trump administration sanctions.

Meanwhile, the White House won't repeal these until Iran has complied with terms of the Joint Comprehensive Plant of Action (JCPOA). Biden's National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told ABC News' This Week "there's still a fair distance to travel to close the remaining gaps. READ MORE

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