Wednesday 9 December 2020


 Bible Prophecy Foundation Israel Newsdesk December 2020 with BPF Secretary Steve Lloyd 

Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was in the temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade. The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” (John 10:22-24) Happy Hanukkah to you all. Hanukkah is a celebration of the faithfulness of God to Israel in keeping the Menorah in the cleansed temple burning for eight days with one days supply of oil. But it is also about remembering Gods deliverance of the nation from its oppressors. 

Truly Jesus reminds us that He is the Light that shines in the darkness, and He still is. Over this past year, how much darker the world has become with much tyranny and oppression under the guise of COVID 19. But, Praise the Lord, this also shows us that the Lord is at the door, time is short. Come! Lord Jesus. But in the meantime the gospel must be preached for the saving of souls. Although I would like to start with something else, it has to be said that the ‘vaccine’ for COVID19 is being released here in the UK as I write, and will be in other countries as well. 

I have to say, I find it quite strange that Israel (who is developing its own vaccine) is to receive 10 million doses of Britain’s AstraZeneca vaccine...whilst Britain is receiving the US Giant Pfizer’s vaccine. Israel will get its vaccine from the UK in May 2021 subject to European, American and Israeli approval. It will also receive 2 million doses of the Moderna vaccine. Israel, meanwhile, is expected to complete the Phase 1 clinical trial of its own vaccine any day. We wait and see what the outcome of the vaccinations will be. Other news: Israel - Spacewoman Jessica Meir is aiming to be the first woman on the moon. She is already the fourth Jewish woman to travel to space. Jessica, 43, made the Guiness Book of World Records when she and fellow astronaut Christina Koch conducted the first allfemale space walk - lasting 7 hours and 17 minutes. 

A fourth election in under 2 years is on the horizon following Benny Gantz’s Blue and White party backing a bill to disband parliament. Benny Gantz said that he can no longer support the government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. They have been at odds for some time. If elections are held, Gantz vowed to run again at the head of Blue and White and build a unity government “in which Netanyahu will play no part”. Israel’s embassies throughout the world are on alert as Iran vowed to take revenge for the assassination of its top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. He was gunned down - reports say by Mossad agents - in Absard, a village just east of the capital that is a retreat for the country’s elite. Iranian state TV said an old truck with explosives hidden under a load of wood blew up near the car carrying the scientist. As the car stopped at least 5 gunmen emerged and raked the vehicle with rapid fire, the semi-official Tasnim news agency said. 

A military advisor to Supreme Leader Ali Khameini accused Israel of trying to provoke “a full-blown” war by killing Fakhrizadeh. Iran has also Bible Prophecy Foundation Israel Newsdesk December 2020 with BPF Secretary Steve Lloyd responded by their Parliament approving to raise the rate of uranium enrichment to 20 per cent and gradually withdraw from the nuclear agreement. Talks between Israel and Lebanon to find a common sea border hit the buffers recently after the latest session was postponed. Negotiations between the two countries started in October and meeting at the UN base in Southern Lebanon to try and resolve the dispute about the potentially gas-rich area. Israeli technology that generates clean drinking water from the air has been sold to the United Arab Emirates. The technology has been developed by innovative company Watergen using cost-effective energy consumption. Watergen’s CEO stated “It has shown how important the signing of the Abraham Accords was and the tremendous wisdom of our leaders in making this breakthrough”.

 Israel has sent a relief-and-rescue team to Honduras following devastating hurricanes Eta and Iota. They will provide humanitarian aid in the parts of the country that have been heavily damaged. The Central American country “regularly supports Israel in international forums” and “has recently made the decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem” said Defence Minister Benny Gantz and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi. The African country of Rwanda could be in line to move its embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. President Paul Kagame revealed that it was “on the agenda”. Despite the coronavirus crisis and the enormous damage to the economy, hundreds of thousands of Israelis splashed their cash on Black Friday. Spending on credit cards was estimated at 720 million shekels (£163 million) - a decease of 5% on last year. 

Most of that spending was done online. Israeli scientists say they have managed to successfully reverse the ageing process. They administered high pressure oxygen in a pressurised chamber and said it reversed two processes relating to ageing and illness. The project was a collaboration between Tel Aviv University and the Shamir Medical Centre. USA - President elect Joe Biden has earmarked Jewish personnel for top positions in his administration. Tony Blinken, 58, is his choice for Secretary of State. He was born in New York to Jewish parents and is the stepson of a holocaust survivor. Janet Yellen is set to be Secretary of the Treasury. She would be the first women in the role and the third Jewish treasury secretary in a row. Alejandro Mayorkas, a Latino Jew has also been nominated as Homeland Security Secretary. Please continue to hold Israel before the Lord in your prayers and especially the men and women of the IDF and IAF and Navy, that they may be protected and have success.

Maranatha Steve

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