Sunday 6 December 2020

The End Times Forecaster With "Prophecy Watch: December 2020"

  Prophecy Watch: December 2020

Posted: 05 Dec 2020 06:29 PM PST


There are several dates in December 2020 that have the potential to see prophecy related events occur. Here they are.



The election turmoil—a must listen.


December 9 to December 29:  

Nibiru/Planet X 47 day earthquake cycle watch period. 


December 11-12, 2020 

The next day in the 1188 day pattern—death day.  

Beware the 1188 Pattern; Will 12/11-12/2020 Be A Day of Death? 


December 14, 2020 

The Great Babylon eclipse on 12/14/2020 

Another 12/14/20 Great Babylon Eclipse Synchronicity 

Note these comments: 


The total eclipse on 12/14/20 will be in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus, the „serpent bearer“, represents Apollo or Asclepius. Medicine and healing are associated with Apollo und Asclepius. The poison of the snake is possibly a sign for the covid vaccination.

Several states will be ready for the covid vaccination on 15.Dec 2020. This is exactly one day after the total solar eclipse! 

William Frederick, M. Div. 

Thank you for that information, that is a very interesting sync. The serpent bearer--snake fang is like a needle that injects poison. A sign for sure--as above so below 

(Note: Here is one about 12/14 by Hidden in the Crag; December 14: What’s in a Date?) 


December 17, 2020 

Pastor Dana's dream specifically mentioned 12/17/20 but also included events that preceded that date. 


December 20-21, 2020 

The Great Conjunction and a California Mega earthquake watch day.  

The Great Conjunction of 2020  

The Coin, the Conjunction, and the End of Days 

A Hypothesis for the Date of the California Mega Earthquake: Joe Brandt’s Dream Confirmed! Trump to Die? USA into Turmoil? Updated 10/2 

Note these comments: 


…Now here is the kicker if you look up Mene it can also be spelled Mina. Mina Nevada in the past 30 days has had over 1000 earthquakes! 

Mene/ Mina Daniel 5:26 This is what these words mean: Mene/Mina: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. 

William Frederick 

Brent, thanks for that information. I am picking up on birthing associations with the conjunction, thus the conjunction may signal and or be followed by the birthing of the antichrist. I believe the ac birthing ritual will involve a Hoover dam breaking of the waters event/collapse. Those Mina Nevada earthquakes are pointing in that direction and are an amazing sync.

Full Article At: Prophecy Watch: December 2020

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