Saturday 5 December 2020

FALL IN LOVE WITH THE DEVIL - Online Dating Website Giant Match.Com Releases Holiday Commercial Showing Satan And A Woman Named ‘2020’ Meeting And Falling In Love


New post on Now The End Begins

Online Dating Website Giant Match.Com Releases Holiday Commercial Showing Satan And A Woman Named ‘2020’ Meeting And Falling In Love

by Geoffrey Grider


Everyone by this point, saved, Laodicean or lost, knows that we have crossed an unchangeable line, so much so that it is now appearing in commercials for a dating website like

Online dating web site thought it would be funny, I suppose, to create a promotional video for their matchmaking services that shows a literal Satan going on a date with a woman named 2020, because that is exactly what they did on YouTube today. For those of us who know The Book, anything about this video strike you as funny? What it shows me is that 2020 is exactly the year we've been telling you it is, the year when the Spirit of Antichrist appeared over the whole world, because that is also exactly what happened this year.

"...but this is your hour, and the power of darkness." Luke 22:53 (KJB)

The Spirit of Antichrist has arrived ahead of the appearance of the 666 man himself, and his presence though as of yet unseen is keenly felt. Everyone by this point, saved, Laodicean or lost, knows that we have crossed an unchangeable line, so much so that it is now appearing in commercials for a dating website like If you don't know what I'm talking about, then I guess you're new to this planet, so here are a few links to get you up to speed.

I will give the creative team that handles the marketing account credit for one thing, though, they unwittingly proved everything we've been telling to be correct. 2020 did indeed fall in love with Satan, and after we get out of here on Flight #777, the whole world will wonder after the Beast. In the meantime, pour yourself a frothy hot chocolate, and and enjoy this 'Match Made In Hell' video from Aren't you glad that you won't be going there? Make sure you watch the second video on Hell, too. That one will really help you out.

Match Made In Hell

If you were thinking about cancelling your subscription to, now would be a good time to do it. 

Peter Ruckman Tells You The Truth About Heaven and Hell

Let me ask you the most important question you will every be asked in your entire life. If you were to die tonight, where would you go? Do you know for sure that you would be in Heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ, or is there a nagging doubt that tells you perhaps you are headed in the other direction? God has made salvation so simple a 6 year old child can grasp it. God did it all for you on Calvary, all you have to do is accept it or reject it. Do you know what Jesus was doing on the cross? He was making a payment on your sin debt, paid in full. And if you’re lost, that payment is just sitting there at the foot of Calvary’s cross waiting for you to come and claim it.

“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” John 1:12,13 (KJB)

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