Sunday 6 December 2020

Christian YouTube Prophet Albert Milton Has Prophesied That Donald Trump ‘Will Be Re-Elected’ And Proof Will Be Revealed On December 12th


New post on Now The End Begins

Christian YouTube Prophet Albert Milton Has Prophesied That Donald Trump ‘Will Be Re-Elected’ And Proof Will Be Revealed On December 12th

by Geoffrey Grider


"From the 1st on Trump will win," he said, seeing a "a thick red encircling on December 12th" because "God wants to bring an amazing victory for President Donald J. Trump."

Christian evangelist and self-proclaimed prophet Albert Milton declared in a video dropped on his YouTube channel last night that God has told him that Donald Trump will miraculously win re-election, and that the absolute turning point in his efforts will be seen by the world on December 12th, just 7 short days away from the writing of this article you are now reading. Is it possible that could happen? Yes, it is certainly possible, but is it likely? No, it's not and let me tell you, and show you, why not.

"A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?" Jeremiah 5:30,31 (KJB)

Back in 2016, after much prayer and bible study, the Lord showed me that Donald Trump would not only have to survive and assassination attempt but that he would also win the election in a landslide. When I became convinced that the Lord had absolutely given me that, I wrote about it on February 13, 2016, in an article entitled 'Why A Bible Believer Is Supporting Donald Trump For President Of The United States'. At no time did I say I had a vision, a dream, that I was a prophet (I am not), and I never said I was prophesying, only that this is what the Lord gave me when I prayed about it. As it turned out, I was spot on, and it happened. People were stunned, and to tell the truth, so was I a little as well. It was a great moment.

Can Albert Milton now do the same thing?

He can if the Lord is giving it to him, and that will only be seen in 7 days when we hit December 12th. If you want to call yourself a prophet, then you have to be able to do what the prophets did in the bible, and that's show people the proof. 'Walking by faith' is only for the Church Age, in the Old Testament those prophets had to back it up, and they sure did. But it is highly likely that December 12th will come and go and Donald Trump will be no closer to re-election that he stands right now, and that's not very close at all.

"Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him." Daniel 2:20-22 (KJB)

As I see it, Donald Trump accomplished everything God put him in office to do, and it was a lot, a whole lot. The Abraham Accords that have set the table for the Daniel 9:27 covenant with Antichrist being the 'crown jewel' of things needed to be accomplished on the end times timeline. I believe that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be our next president, because the 'time is at hand' for the New World Order to take over. But the only way that can happen is America has to be removed, and that is exactly what we are watching.



As previously stated, I am not a prophet, I am not an apostle, I am simply an old-fashioned King James bible believer who reads and believes The Book, and if we are truly where we are where it looks like we are, then America has to fall. So I will say Donald Trump, for all these reasons we have stated, will not and cannot win re-election, but I will also say this. If for some unbelievable reason Donald Trump's political fortunes come roaring back to life on December 12th as Albert Milton says they will, I will say that the rabid Democrat Left, who hate Donald Trump with an all-consuming and irrational passion, will assassinate him, and I would hate to see that happen.

Besides, I have a ticket for a flight, and I would like to board now if that's alright with you.

"For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city." Hebrews 11:14-16 (KJB)

I don't know about you, but it is time and past time, I am ready to get out of here on Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines, and am quite content to let Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the rest of the unsaved people who will be left behind have America, and do what they will to it. In order for the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church to take place, wickedness has to rise, America who is not in bible prophecy has to fall, and we have to fly. Are you ready for what comes next? I sure am.

Christian Prophet Albert Milton Predicts Trump Will Win

FROM NEWSMAX: Buckle up everyone, we're in for a wild ride over the next two months, if an online preacher is right. Albert Milton, a popular Christian evangelist on YouTube has a surprising prophecy: Donald J. Trump will be re-elected as the next president of the United States. Milton's "God Unlimited" page on the video service has more than 40,000 followers, and it has spiked in interest with hundreds of thousands of views as he put his prophetic credibility on the line.

The Georgia-based evangelist, who speaks with an Indian accent, has produced videos for his "prophetic word video blog" offering a positive, Christ-centric message using faith to overcome failure, fear and relationship problems. But four weeks ago, just days after the November 3rd election, Milton veered into the political world, prophesying a Trump win come January. One YouTube video began, "President Trump is going to be re-elected, so it is in heaven and so it is on earth."

Milton said he saw a vision of a beautiful royal diadem that was comprised of blue gemstones, but they became red in color "in the blink of the eye."

"God is going to do an amazing victory, ultimate victory to President Trump because with God all things are possible."

At midnight Friday, Milton released a new YouTube video predicting on December 12th Trump will see a major change in his political fortunes. He said a calendar showed from November 3rd to the 30th the dates circled light blue, but on December 1st through the 11th, the colors changed to light red.

"From the 1st on Trump will win," he said, seeing a "a thick red encircling on December 12th" because "God wants to bring an amazing victory for President Donald J. Trump."

So far, Trump's campaign has not seen any significant changes in results after several state recounts and has won no legal victories in court. But earlier this week, a video of a Georgia polling place showed what appeared to be a Democratic poll worker submitting votes after monitors were dismissed. One expert said the video suggests as many as 30,000 improper ballots were submitted.

In his latest YouTube video Milton says he saw a new vision of President Trump as an eagle. "Once again I will make this eagle rise high, and God is going to re-elect Donald Trump president ..." He compared the political turnaround to Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.

"God is telling Trump you will win this election."

But he's urging the faithful to make it certain by taking part in his 7-7-7 plan. For the next 7 days at 7 p.m. each night he is asking followers to pray for 7 minutes for Trump's re-election. Milton also foresees a big change in U.S. media which is "corrupting the nation's mind," and says God is "bringing a new TV channel" that will play a leading role in "taking away the false news." READ MORE

'Donald Trump Will Win - Prophetic Word that will happen in next 7 days!' So Says YouTube Prophet Albert Milton

I am not going out on a limb here saying that Albert Milton will not see his YouTube prophecy come to pass, but please, watch and decide for yourself. It only took me about 30 seconds to reach my conclusion. 

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