Friday 11 December 2020

BEAST WATCH NEWS With "Israel, China and US relations with China and even a new alien report about the “Galactic Federation” along with some important news about COVID that you may not have heard yet"


This week in Beast Watch News and The Messianic Message:

In this report, I will take a look at recent events regarding Israel, China and US relations with China and even a new alien report about the “Galactic Federation”along with some important news about COVID that you may not have heard yet or some things you need to understand more fully.

Why was the Book of Hebrews written? What was it trying to explain? This book’s message is the same for us today as it was for the early followers of Yeshua to whom it was written. What has changed, though, is our knowledge of the Order of Melchizedek and our understanding of the Priest’s role in our lives.

COMING SOON - Understand who and what Israel is through the eyes of Jeremiah and know Israel's future. Teaching by Jaco Van Der Merwe.

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