Saturday 12 December 2020

ANTIFA Terrorists Create New ‘Red House’ Autonomous Zone In Portland Attacking Police As Mayor Wheeler Pledges To ‘End The Illegal Occupation’


New post on Now The End Begins

ANTIFA Terrorists Create New ‘Red House’ Autonomous Zone In Portland Attacking Police As Mayor Wheeler Pledges To ‘End The Illegal Occupation’

by Geoffrey Grider


Around 100 ANTIFA militia members used stolen property to build barricades using power tools and erected "No Jurisdiction” signs, echoing those slogans used by the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle earlier this year.

Those kooky, demon-possessed kids from everyone's favorite domestic terror group ANTIFA are at it again, this time choosing to fight the police from carrying out a proper and legal notice of eviction at the 'red house on Mississippi avenue' in downtown Portland, Oregon. According to ANTIFA, just because repeated violent and drug-related activity has been happening at the red house for a sustained period of time, it is wrong for the police to try and do something about it because the people who own the house are black. Huh???

One of the lines of 'logic' put forth by the Left is that black people cannot be racists because, well, they're black and everyone knows that victims of racism cannot be racists. ANTIFA is claiming that not only are the occupants of the 'red house' black but also 'indigenous', as if the ethnicity of someone has any bearing on whether or not they have committed a crime. And the reason why the police are evicting the 'afro-indigenous' residents of the red house is because of the 81 complaints of "fights, disturbances, shots fired, burglary, thefts, vandalism, noise violations, trespassing, and threats including by armed individuals." Sounds to me like the police are doing what the police should do in keeping law and order and arresting the criminals. Take a look at the photo of the person with the demon tattoo on his head in the main photo in this article, he was arrested in 'red house' related violence. That's the face of ANTIFA.

ANTIFA protesters attack cop cars as they set up new Portland 'red house' autonomous zone to block black family’s eviction

FROM THE SUN UK: Shocking footage showed protesters and police clashing violently on the streets of Portland as rocks were hurled at responding officers, who were also sprayed with fire extinguishers and had their vehicles damaged.

Conservative journalist Andy Ngo claimed that members of the Black Lives Matter movement and left-wing activists violently clashed with cops over the house, which was occupied by what he called "squatters." On Wednesday, Ngo shared footage of Portland Police retreating after responding to the autonomous zone on the north side of the city, which continued to grow since yesterday.

Cops reportedly discovered firearms inside the "The Red House on Mississippi" on Mississippi Ave, where activists tried to protect the Kinney family, who were served multiple eviction notices. Police said from September 1 to November 30, 2020, at least 81 calls were made about the house. These complaints ranged from "fights, disturbances, shots fired, burglary, thefts, vandalism, noise violations, trespassing, [and] threats (including by armed individuals)," amongst other street blocking nuisances.

Cops said when they tried to move the occupants last night, people began throwing objects at police vehicles and officers, broke police vehicle windows and flattened tires on two police vehicles."

"Officers disengaged and people entered the private property again," the December 8 press release stated. "A crowd of people eventually used fencing and other materials to block North Mississippi Avenue and began stockpiling rocks."

In 2002, the Kinneys took out a new mortgage to pay defense lawyers for their son, William III, now 35, who was imprisoned at 17 for a total of 10 years over a car incident, the Red House on the Mississippi group said.A GoFundMe had raised $90,000 of donations out of its $250,000 goal to re-purchase the home as of Wednesday.

"Outraged at the treatment of this Afro-Indigenous family, the Portland community has united to save the Red House on Mississippi, rallying support around the family to reclaim the house and hold the land in a 24/7 eviction blockade," it stated.

The page noted the "around-the-clock community presence along with onsite camping, a fully functional kitchen offering two free hot meals a day, and free programming centered in healing and abolition." Alicxandra Blake Lucero, 26, was arrested there and charged with resisting arrest, trespass & interfering with an officer, booking documents show. Lester L. Wrecksie, 44, was arrested and released, while Matthew David Stewart, 31, and Ashterot Ember Brimstone, 30, were also booked at the scene both released without bail on December 8. READ MORE

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