Tuesday 6 October 2020

Yes, Joe Biden And Barack Obama Really Did Put Illegal Immigrant Children In Cages And Wrapped Them In Tin Foil While Awaiting Deportation


New post on Now The End Begins

Yes, Joe Biden And Barack Obama Really Did Put Illegal Immigrant Children In Cages And Wrapped Them In Tin Foil While Awaiting Deportation

by Geoffrey Grider


The detention facilities, which some refer to as 'cages,' were built under the Barack Obama and Joe Biden administration back in 2014.

Back in 2014, the White House administration of Barack Obama and Joe Biden had cages built to house illegal immigrants and their children, complete with tin foil blankets just to make it even more uncomfortable and repulsive. The fake news media stayed silent on this, even former First Lady Laura Bush agreed to keep her mouth shut. But in 2018, when President Trump used these same facilities created by the Obama Biden administration to house illegal immigrants, the entire weight of the faux outrage of the Liberal Left exploded.

These events happened back in 2014, but they are relevant in 2020 because Joe Biden, who helped work to create these cages that the immigrants were held in, is running for president of the United States. And he tells us that he is happy to "run on his record", so OK, great, this story is absolutely part of his record and shameful legacy.

The Barack Obama and Joe Biden administration had built the cages for immigrants.

FROM LOGICALLY: The migrant influx into the U.S. via the southern border was on the rise, and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had built temporary shelters to detain immigrants who illegally entered the country. The McAllen detention center is one such shelter that was completed in the year 2014 under the Obama administration.

In 2014, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had decided to use the processing center on Nogales, Arizona, and the McAllen facility in Texas to house the illegal immigrants. The Department of Justice (DOJ) was working with the Mexican authorities to stop unaccompanied children from crossing into the United States. A transcript of a now publicized official document confirms that in 2014, unaccompanied children were scanned after obtaining their biometrics and then included in the immigration system. These children were subject to removal and even possibly moved into other detention facilities during the deportation process.

The facilities built under the Obama administration are still being used under the Trump administration. However, Trump's policy to separate immigrant children from their parents and holding them separately had drawn scrutiny from many corners. READ MORE

Liberals Blame Trump For Obama Biden Era Image On Twitter

Rachel Maddow Caught Doing FAKE NEWS Again!

Watch MSNBC hack Rachel Maddow intentionally lying about kids in cages that she says was done by Trump when in fact it was done by the Obama Biden administration, and she knew she was lying when she said it. GRAPHIC WARNING: There is occasional profanity in this clip, watch with caution, but I am including it because it really shows the depth of the complicity of fake news organizations to constantly keep you misinformed. 

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