Friday 2 October 2020

It Is Starting To Look Like Joe Biden Used AR Contact Lenses To Read Scripted Talking Points In Tuesday Night Debate With President Trump


New post on Now The End Begins

It Is Starting To Look Like Joe Biden Used AR Contact Lenses To Read Scripted Talking Points In Tuesday Night Debate With President Trump

by Geoffrey Grider


On Tuesday night, there appeared to be a graphite covering over Joe Biden's eyes, completely obscuring their natural blue color. Can you explain that for me?

Before you make up your mind as to whether or not Joe Biden used smart AR contact lenses to read scripted talking points in the debate with President Trump on Tuesday, I want you to consider a few things first. The main and overwhelming fact is that Joe Biden has blue eyes, but on Tuesday night his eyes were unnaturally dark, almost a graphite color. Blue eyes run in my family, I have blue eyes, and as you age blue eyes grow lighter and more vibrant, they do not turn dark. Why was Joe Biden's eyes so dark during the debates?

One thing that absolutely stood out to me as we watched the debates on Tuesday was that whenever Joe Biden was speaking, his eyes appeared to be focusing on something the same way that someone who was reading from a screen would look like. Watch any news broadcast and you will see they are not really looking at you, the are looking at the words floating in front of them as they read what is written for them to say.



So how far-fetched would it be to have Augmented Reality Smart Contact Lenses on Joe Biden? Not far-fetched at all, actually, we have been reporting of that technology here at NTEB for many years now. Look at the main photo in this article, on the right you see Biden's normally light blue eyes that we normally associated with him. Yet on Tuesday night, there appeared to be a graphite covering over his eyes, completely obscuring their natural blue color.

Can you explain that for me?

Lastly, we have told you for some time now that Google Labs provides ultra-high tech software and hardware for the Pentagon, and are on the forefront of developing the world's most sophisticated and advanced technology. We also told you back in 2016  how Google CEO Eric Schmidt "donated" algorithms to help promote Hilary Clinton in here campaign for president. Did Google reach into their bag of tech tricks and give Joe Biden AR contact lenses to help him stay on message and not forget what he needed to say next? Is that even possible. Yes, it is not only possible, but I think, even likely given the hatred of Silicon Valley for Donald Trump, and their vow to do anything it takes to get rid of him.

Silicon Valley gets behind Joe Biden to create digital path to White House, report says

FROM THE NY POST: Silicon Valley’s Democratic tech billionaires are getting behind former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential run to help pave a digital path to victory in November, according to a report on Wednesday. The moguls are planning on spending millions on efforts not only to blunt President Trump campaign’s lead in technology but also to fund political news sites, bolster the Democratic Party’s data files and launch voter registration drives, Vox reported. READ MORE

Please watch the videos we present below and make up your own mind, post your comments and let me know what you think.

Did Joe Biden Use New Technology To Cheat During The Presidential Debate?

Virtual Reality Contact Lenses Are Already Here

The Sci-Fi Contact Lenses

Smart contact lenses have been a popular concept in films for many years and may now finally have arrived in reality. We took a look at some new gadgets at this years CES.

The World's Smallest Dynamic Display For Your Eye

I had a chance to try out Mojo Vision's prototype smart contact lens, with a tiny monochromatic display designed to sit right on your eye, feeding you information as you need it. With demos showing the potential to see in the dark and navigate menus with your eyes, Mojo Vision appears to be aiming for the sweet spot between clunky AR goggles and invasive brain-computer interfaces like Neuralink.

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