Friday 16 October 2020

Forget ‘Russian Collusion’, Both Facebook And Twitter Are Interfering With Our Election And Attempting To Rig It In Favor Of Democrat Joe Biden


New post on Now The End Begins

Forget ‘Russian Collusion’, Both Facebook And Twitter Are Interfering With Our Election And Attempting To Rig It In Favor Of Democrat Joe Biden

by Geoffrey Grider


Following the publication of the New York Post’s bombshell story about the Biden family’s business dealings in Ukraine, Facebook and Twitter worked hard to suppress the story across their platforms. The censorship comes just weeks after executives from both firms joined the Joe Biden transition team.

Many people have said to me that "well, 2020 certainly couldn't get much stranger", and yet, it meets and exceeds that statement now on a near daily basis. 2020 is the strangest year in perhaps the entire 244-year history of the United States. We live in nation that gets obsessed with "Russian collusion", spending $28 million dollars to investigate it when they knew it was phony the whole time, and does literally nothing when social media giants Twitter and Facebook are attempting to rig the election in Joe Biden's favor while we watch it unfold in real time.

All this confirms for me the feeling I have had since the lockdowns began back in March, that the elections in 19 days are going to be explosive, ugly, and almost certainly filled with the type of violence we have seen over the last 5 months from the rioters. Tens of thousands of black-hooded BLM and ANTIFA fascist militants setting Washington on fire? Not just possible, but overwhelmingly probable. Prepare for anything, prepare for the worst, and whatever you do, witness to the lost while we still have time and opportunity to do so. That window may just be shutting for good in the next 19 days.

Facebook and Twitter Censor Biden Bombshells Weeks After Execs Join His Transition Team

FROM BREITBART: Breitbart News recently reported on the New York Post’s bombshell story that indicated that Joe Biden may have met with an adviser to the board of Burisma while he was Vice President, arranged by his son Hunter, who was working as a lobbyist for the company at the time. Joe Biden has previously said, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

But, the leaked emails allegedly show that Hunter introduced his father to a Bursima executive less than a year before Biden, acting as Vice President, pressured the Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company. Shortly after the story broke, many found themselves having trouble sharing it across social media. This censorship comes just weeks after executives from both Facebook and Twitter joined the Biden transition team.

Breitbart News reported in September that Twitter Public Policy Director Carlos Monje left the social media company to join the transition team for Joe Biden. Monje’s specific role on the team has not been made clear and Biden’s transition team reportedly declined to comment on the situation. Despite a specific role not being named, Monje will reportedly be serving as co-chair of Biden’s infrastructure policy committee and has already helped to host a fundraiser for Biden this week, according to an invitation sent to Politico.

Monje has worked in the world of presidential transition politics in the past, previously serving as the director of agency review on the team that prepared for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s administration, which failed to take flight. Monje also worked on the Obama administration team’s 2008 national security working group according to his LinkedIn profile. Monje also acted as deputy policy director during Obama’s first run for office and subsequently served as a senior policy advisor and special assistant to the president on the Domestic Policy Council. Monje’s final years in the administration were spent in the Transporation Department before he departed for Twitter.

In October, Breitbart News further reported that Biden’s transition team had hired top Facebook executive Jessica Hertz to its general counsel to oversee ethical issues. The move reportedly came as the campaign struggles with Facebook to have posts by President Trump censored on the platform. This is the second Big Tech executive to join Biden’s campaign. Hertz will reportedly be responsible for “enforcement, oversight, and compliance” of the ethics plan that Biden’s team unveiled this week.

New York Post op-ed editor Sohrab Ahmari was one of the first to note that Twitter was blocking him from posting a link to the Biden-Ukraine story, claiming that the link was “potentially harmful.” READ MORE

Ted Cruz EXPLODES on Twitter and Facebook For Censoring NY Post Article on Hunter Biden

NY Post Editor CENSORED by Facebook and Twitter after Bombshell Story on Hunter Biden & Ukraine

NY Post Opinion Editor Sohrab Ahmari tried posting a link on Twitter to the bombshell story his newspaper broke about newly obtained emails between Hunter Biden and Burisma officials in Ukraine. But he was blocked. According to Twitter, the story was “potentially harmful.” Yeah, harmful to the Joe Biden campaign… because this story — if verified to be true — is the “smoking gun” that threads ALL the pieces of the Biden, Ukraine saga together. But instead of allowing voters to make their own decisions in the upcoming election, it seems Big Tech is doing what it can to gate keep in new, dangerous ways.

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