Monday 12 October 2020

Democrat Keith Olbermann Says All Trump Supporters Are ‘Maggots’ And Calls For The President And Everyone Who Voted For Him ‘To Be Destroyed’


New post on Now The End Begins

Democrat Keith Olbermann Says All Trump Supporters Are ‘Maggots’ And Calls For The President And Everyone Who Voted For Him ‘To Be Destroyed’

by Geoffrey Grider


Former ESPN host Keith Olbermann lashed out at Trump supporters Friday night, said they are 'maggots', and called for the prosecution and conviction of all those connected with the president.

I want to give you a very common sense and practical reason to vote for Donald Trump, something that could greatly affect your security and safety in the coming days after the election on November 3rd. Democrat Keith Olbermann, failed ESPN host and basement-dwelling Starbucks drinker, has called all of President Trump's supporters 'maggots', and said that we must all be 'prosecuted and destroyed' in order to 're-create America'. Keith Olbermann is far from the only Democrat who thinks that way, and you should really think what I'm telling you.

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come." 2 Timothy 3:1 (KJB)

For the past 5 months, over $2 billion dollars worth of damage has been done to businesses in cities all across America at the hands of Leftist groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter. But don't focus on the cost and scope of the damage, focus on who was damaged. Would it surprise you to learn that the vast majority of the damage done to businesses, and the majority of the people killed in the riots, were all 'people of color'? Black Lives Matter has destroyed countless black and minority-owned businesses, comparatively few white-owned businesses were impacted. ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter killed nearly 15 people in the course of the riots, the majority of whom were black.

One of the very first people to be killed by Black Lives Matter in 2020 was David Dorn, and I can see by the puzzled look on your face that you don't know who David Dorn is, and there is a reason for that. David Dorn was a retired black police chief who volunteered to help his friend keep his store safe. Black Lives Matter militants broke into that store, shot David Dorn at point-blank range, and then ran out of the store, their pockets filled with 'reparations', laughing as they kicked his bleeding body. Back to Keith Olbermann.

Keith Olbermann in the video below says some amazingly disgusting things about his fellow humans, but open your eyes, Keith Olbermann is doing you a great favor by tipping his hand and letting you know what the Democrats will do to those of us who voted for Trump. If you allow Joe Biden and the actual Democratic candidate for president Kamala Harris to win, it won't just be Christian persecution we will experience, it will be human persecution and it will be very, very ugly. Watch the video, and whatever reaction you may have while listening to Keith Olbermann and his hate-filled words, do not make the mistake of doubting that he and his fellow Democrats will fail to fulfill their threats. Believe him.

Democrat Keith Olbermann: Trump Supporters Are ‘Maggots,’ Must Be ‘Prosecuted’

FROM BREITBART NEWS: Mr. Olbermann called Trump supporters “maggots,” the new insult du jour to replace 2016’s “deplorables” in the 2020 presidential election. “Trump can be and must be expunged,” Olbermann said in his YouTube rant. “The hate he has triggered, the pandora’s box he has opened, they will not be so easily destroyed.”

“So, let us brace ourselves,” he continued. “The task is twofold: the terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box, and he and his enablers and his supporters and his collaborators and the Mike Lees and the William Barrs and the Sean Hannitys and the Mike Pences and the Rudy Giulianis and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barretts must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society while we try to rebuild it and to rebuild the world Trump has nearly destroyed by turning it over to a virus.”

“Remember it, even as we dream of a return to reality and safety and the country for which our forefathers died, that the fight is not just to win an election but to win it by enough to chase, at least for the moment, Trump and the maggots off the stage,” he inveighed. “And then try to clean up what they left.”

“Remember it, even though to remember it means remembering that the fight does not end on November 3rd but in many ways will only begin that day,” he said.

On October 7, Olbermann announced he was leaving ESPN to devote himself fulltime to political commentaries. In past comments, Olbermann has called Trump a “pig” who is worse than Osama bin Laden, while constantly demanding Trump’s impeachment from the moment he became president.

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