Wednesday 12 August 2020

Sky News Reports That Suspicious Tunnels Were Discovered At Beirut Port After Massive Explosion That Is Now Looking Like A Planned Attack

New post on Now The End Begins

Sky News Reports That Suspicious Tunnels Were Discovered At Beirut Port After Massive Explosion That Is Now Looking Like A Planned Attack

by Geoffrey Grider


The too-quick denial by Lebanon that these areas exist and the video of the subterranean chamber or “tunnel” seems to illustrate that Lebanon is still afraid to fully investigate the area for fear of finding the suspicious activities that those critical of Hezbollah allege were taking place here.

From the moment I first heard about the massive blast in Twitter, everything about the explosion at the Beirut Port in Lebanon seemed suspicious to me. If such large amounts of ammonium nitrate had been stored there for years, why had there been no previous incidents, why now?  Then, when Emmanuel Macron immediately inserted himself into the equation, the question was, at least in my mind, fully settled. This explosion was planned and intentional.
"Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars." Zechariah 11:1 (KJB)
Sky News reported that suspicious tunnels and underground passageways have been discovered all around the blast site, leading some to believe that the port explosion was not simply an accident, but that the 'accident' might have had some outside help to go off.
Tomorrow night, on our Wednesday night King James Bible study, we will be looking at the role of Lebanon in bible prophecy. You may just be shocked at what the bible says about Lebanon, but when you do, you will realize why what is happening in Lebanon right now is right on schedule as the end times prophecy timeline marches forward.

Were suspicious tunnels near Beirut Port discovered after blast?

FROM THE JERUSALEM POST: Videos circulating online, as well as rumors and reports, indicate that “tunnels” have been found in the wake of the Beirut explosions. Some have asserted that this is evidence of Hezbollah “tunnels” storing weapons at the Port of Beirut, while others think they were used for human trafficking. Both SkyNews and Russia’s Sputnik News claimed there was a “labyrinth network of tunnels.”
The Lebanese Armed Forces have denied the existence of tunnels, just as Hezbollah has denied doing anything at Beirut Port. It’s unclear how the army could refute the claims without investigating the images and videos already circulating online. Nevertheless, the army denied the existence of tunnels.
Incredible: while #Lebanon’s Army is denying the existence of suspicious tunnels around #Beirut port, Sky News broadcasts an alleged portion of one.
— Jason Brodsky (@JasonMBrodsky) August 9, 2020
Yet Sky News did show a ceiling of a subterranean chamber and noted that people had hope that loved ones might have survived the blast in the tunnels. The Sky News report, which was posted online on Sunday, said the people excavating the site and searching for survivors “know there is a labyrinth of subterranean chambers here; they have discovered the opening of one of them.”
This comment appears to indicate that the search-and-rescue teams and officials know about these chambers.
Are these “tunnels,” or is there another explanation for these underground rooms? There may be a more prosaic explanation for underground rooms or other aspects of the urban environment having underground infrastructure, such as tunnels for electrical, water and sewage facilities.
For now, the question of the “tunnels” appears to feed stories that Hezbollah was using the area for illicit trafficking of weapons or munitions. However, the investigators who found the opening to one alleged tunnel were not wearing any kind of suits or using devices as if the area was full of unexploded ordnance. That means there didn’t appear to be a concern that they would find missiles and dangerous items inside these areas.
Nevertheless, the quick denial by Lebanon that these areas exist and the video of the subterranean chamber or “tunnel” seems to illustrate that Lebanon is still afraid to fully investigate the area for fear of finding the suspicious activities that those critical of Hezbollah allege were taking place here.  Hezbollah is known to have expertise in building tunnels and underground bunkers. READ MORE

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