Thursday 6 August 2020

French President Emmanuel Macron First World Leader To Announce Plans To Visit Devastation In Lebanon After Explosion That Rocked Country

New post on Now The End Begins

French President Emmanuel Macron First World Leader To Announce Plans To Visit Devastation In Lebanon After Explosion That Rocked Country

by Geoffrey Grider


As Lebanon reeled in shock a day after the massive blast in Beirut and counted the dead, nations around the world promised it would not be alone. Macron is coming.

Emmanuel Macron, the would-be leader of the New World Order, was the first world leader to announce plans to visit the Beirut port in Lebanon where a massive and unprecedented explosion took place yesterday, shocking the world. Macron wants very much to be in charge in the European Union, and one of these days he just might get there.
"And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." Revelation 6:1,2 (KJB)
We have shown you repeatedly over the past 6 months the upward trajectory of Emmanuel Macron, and what his ultimate goal is. We told you that he had a vision, and in that vision he saw that his destiny would be to saddle his own white horse and lead the French back to glory. And if and when that actually happens, it will be because the First Seal from the book of Revelation has been opened.
Your Head Will Spin After You Realize That Emmanuel Macron Has Both Jewish Ancestry And Inexplicable Ties To Rome And The Assyrian Empire

France’s President Macron Visiting Lebanon After Beirut Blast

FROM BREITBART NEWS: French President Emmanuel Macron announced he would fly to the shattered Lebanese capital, and two planeloads of French rescue workers and aid were expected to touch down on Wednesday afternoon.
Other countries were sending search teams, stunned by the explosion that killed at least 100 people, injured thousands and left smoking rubble-strewn for blocks around Beirut’s port. But the pledges of aid raised new questions for a country whose economic and political crisis has made donors wary in recent years.
It was unclear what caused the blast, which appeared to have been triggered by a fire and struck with the force of an earthquake. It was the most powerful explosion ever seen in the city.
Macron’s office told The Associated Press that the French leader will meet with Lebanese political leaders but provided no further details. Lebanon is a former French protectorate and the countries retain close political and economic ties.
Je me rendrai demain à Beyrouth à la rencontre du peuple libanais pour lui porter le message de fraternité et de solidarité des Français. Nous ferons le point sur la situation avec les autorités politiques.
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) August 5, 2020
Several other countries across the Middle East and Europe are sending aid. The European Union is activating its civil protection system to round up emergency workers and equipment from across the 27-nation bloc.
The EU Commission said the plan is to urgently dispatch over 100 firefighters with vehicles, sniffer dogs and equipment designed to find people trapped in urban areas.
The Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Poland, and the Netherlands are taking part in the effort and other countries are expected to join.
The EU’s satellite mapping system will be used to help Lebanese authorities to establish the extent of the damage. The French emergency workers traveling to Lebanon include members of a special unit with chemical and other technological expertise trained to intervene in damaged industrial sites. Among their tasks will be to identify specific risks for products stored in the area and other risks resulting from the explosion, said national civil security spokesman Michael Bernier. READ MORE

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