Thursday 6 August 2020

Democrat Joe Biden Has Legit Manic Episode During Softball Interview Meant To Showcase His Mental Fitness, Becomes Nearly Unable To Speak At End

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Democrat Joe Biden Has Legit Manic Episode During Softball Interview Meant To Showcase His Mental Fitness, Becomes Nearly Unable To Speak At End

by Geoffrey Grider


Joe Biden tried to boast of his mental acuity and readiness to debate Trump — but stumbled with word order, word choice, and pronunciation multiple times in the same sentences.

Joe Biden is dissolving before our very eyes, and the Democrats who run the DNC know it. In an interview for the National Association of Black Journalists, Joe Biden had fits of anger, he said he had never had a mental cognition test though he swore he was 'tested all the time' back in June, and then completely lost his ability to finish his sentences before the camera cut away.
In the gambling world they have something called a 'tell', and that is a sign that someone gives off right before they make a repetitive move, and it allows a sharp-eyed opponent to figure out their likely next steps. Joe Biden has a 'tell', something he does at exactly the moment he begins to lose his train of thought. Biden will say things like "man, I should stop talking now", "I shouldn't say this..." or "I've gone on too long..." as his voice begins to trail off and he is no longer able to remember what it is he started to say. Go back and watch any interview he has done in the last 6 months and it will pop up every time.

Joe Biden Snaps at Black Reporter over Cognitive Test Question: ‘Are You a Junkie?’

FROM BREITBART NEWS: Joe Biden bristled at a question about whether or not he has taken a cognitive test, asking an interviewer Tuesday morning whether he would pass a drug test and stumbling over his words several times in the course of one minute.
During an event with the National Association of Black Journalists, CBS News’ Errol Barnett asked if Biden has taken a test that would assess his mental fitness, and Biden snapped, “No, I haven’t taken a test! Why the hell would I take a test? C’mon, man!”
Biden then challenged Barnett, “That’s like saying you, before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not, what do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”
The presumptive presidential nominee went on to boast of his mental acuity and readiness to debate Trump — but stumbled with word order, word choice, and pronunciation multiple times in the same sentences.
“I’m so forward looking to have an opportunity to sit with the president — or stand with the president — in debates,” he insisted (emphasis added). “I am very willing to let the American people judge my physical, mental fil–my physical as well as my mental fil–fitness,” he concluded.
In May, Biden caused controversy when he told Breakfast Club co-host Charlamagne tha God that “you ain’t black” if voters go for Trump.
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” Biden said. “It don’t have nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the fact — I want something for my community,” the radio host shot back.

Biden claiming he has not taken a cognitive test is a reversal from a statement he made in June.

“I’ve been tested and I’m constantly tested,” Biden responded when he was asked by a reporter about a mental assessment. “All you’ve got to do is watch me, and I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against,” he said.
Former White House Physician Dr. Ronny Jackson has said President Trump “aced” a cognitive assessment in 2018.
“If Trump goes head-to-head with Joe Biden cognitively, there just wouldn’t be much of a comparison. It would be very one-sided,” Jackson told The Kyle Olson Show. “They cannot afford to put Joe Biden on the stage side-by-side with President Trump. It will be an unmitigated disaster for their party,” he said. READ MORE

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