Thursday 13 August 2020

Alarming Trend Of Large Earthquakes In Diverse Places


Alarming Trend Of Large Earthquakes In Diverse Places
Unusually large earthquakes have been striking diverse locations all over the United States in recent months, and experts are not exactly sure why this is happening.
People In Israel Are Preparing Show-Bread For Service In Third Temple
The Showbread Institute, established in 2018 and based in Israel's Shomron (Samaria), exists to "to serve as an umbrella organization for the research, publication and educational activities... and to reacquaint the People of Israel with the Temple Service in preparation for the rebuilding of the Third Temple
book series
The End: The Book: The Complete 7 Book Series
The End-of-the-World Series everyone is talking about! "Like Left Behind On Steroids" - Buy Here!   View Readers Comments Here

Assisted Suicide For The Healthy - Euthanasia's Slippery Slope
Once it is decided that certain lives are not worth living, the list of people eligible for physician-assisted suicide inevitably grows.

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