Sunday 13 October 2019

This Weeks Top 4 Prophetic Stories from PNW

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This Weeks Top 4 Prophetic Stories
18 Facts About The US National Debt That Are Almost Too Hard To Believe
Lawmakers continue to spend as if they are children in a candy store with no limit on their parents' credit card. What remains unfathomable to many voters is how much money $22.5 trillion (our current debt) truly is. Here are some facts to bring it into perspective.
The Biblical Edom Unearthed: Not A Myth, A Historical Reality
Over the years, many scholars doubted the Edomites even existed, at least as described in those biblical accounts. Well, these scholars were mistaken. Recently, a team excavating in Israel's Timna Valley found evidence of a "thriving and wealthy society" dating back to the 12th century before Christ.
No Place To Hide: DHS' New HART Database Uses Scars, Tattoos, & Voice ID
The new system called the Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology System, or HART, will allow the agency to look beyond the three types of biometric data it uses today--face, iris and fingerprint--to identify people through a variety of other characteristics, like palm prints, scars, tattoos, physical markings and even their voices.
Real-Time National Driver Surveillance Program Coming Soon?
A new Senate bill would create a real-time national driver surveillance program that would allow law enforcement to know anything and everything about a driver at the click of a button.

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