Wednesday 9 October 2019


Israel News Desk
with Bible Prophecy Foundation Secretary
Steve Lloyd
October 2019
Israel News Desk
with Bible Prophecy Foundation Secretary
Steve Lloyd
October 2019
Psalm 121:1-3 I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The elections in Israel…again, did not produce a winner. In fact, the outcome appears to be worse than before with Netanyahu and Gantz neck and neck with no sign of a breakthrough.
But on Wednesday, 26th September President Reuven Rivlin formerly gave Benjamin Netanyahu four weeks to form a government. If he can do so, this will be his sixth term as PM. This followed a meeting between Netanyahu and Benny Gantz at the President’s Residence. The deadline will be 24th October. But a meeting scheduled between the two party leaders for 2nd October was cancelled by Gantz stating that the preconditions for the meeting had not been met. Netanyahu and the Likud party were stunned by this and called on Gantz to “show some responsibility” and avoid yet another election. We will continue to watch this space.

We are again in the season of the Fall feasts, with the Feast of Trumpets falling on 30th September and the Day of Atonement on the 9th October, closely followed by the Feast of Tabernacles beginning on the 14th.
Let us pray for the Jewish people that they may see the Messiah in these festive days.THE BIBLE PROPHECY FOUNDATION.STEVE LLOYD, SECRETARY OF THE BIBLE PROPHECY FOUNDATION.

As the world appears to be becoming more and more anti-Semitic and the DBS movement still rearing its ugly head, it is good to see that Israel is still leading the way in many areas.
Two Jewish brothers based in Manchester, Simon and Jan Cohen, have, according to the Jewish Telegraph, made an historic breakthrough in the treating of brain tumours and could be only 6 months away from human trials. Along with Dr James Stuart, also in Manchester, they have developed a new drug – known as IP1867B, this drug has been 5 years in the making and has had extremely positive results when tested on animals. It could potentially save the NHS millions of pounds.

Tel Aviv University has also announced that they have developed a vaccine for melanoma – the most aggressive type of skin cancer. A university spokesman said “In our study, we have shown that it is possible to produce an effective nano-vaccine against melanoma and to sensitise the immune system to immunotherapies”.
God is still keeping His promise to make Israel a blessing to the nations.

Russia – Making Aliya from Russian speaking countries has risen by nearly 30% in the first half of 2019 according to recent figures.
Aliya from Russia rose by 72% to 7884 arrivals and the Ukraine also saw a 9% rise to 3007.
This has been mainly due to financial problems, nationalism and a crackdown on civil liberties. In total there have been 16005 new arrivals.

UK – PM Boris Johnson wished Jews a happy new year and vowed to protect Jews against anti-Semitism in the UK. “I will always be there to defend you against the shameful anti-Semitism that we are increasingly seeing and which is such a terrible blight on our country” he said.

Meanwhile, a Jewish MP, Dame Margaret Hodge of the Labour Party, faces a crucial vote of no confidence on the eve of Yom Kippur. Last year she called Jeremy Corbyn an anti-Semite and now could face a re-selection vote. She has served the people of Barking for the past 25 years and is very disappointed by this. New rules in the Labour party mean a re-selection contest can be triggered if a third of local party members vote in favour.
Labour has been accused of using the procedure to purge anti-Corbyn elements from within its ranks.
The Jewish Labour movement has slammed the move as “truly despicable” and Gideon Falter, Chief Executive of the Campaign against Antisemitism stated “Using the holiest day in the Jewish calendar as cover for a no-confidence vote is appalling and possibly illegal.

At a recent Conservative friends of Israel reception in Manchester the Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid said “When I look at Israel, it is a country that aligns with all of our values. It is great to see how strongly this party supports the values of Israel at every level – whether it’s our associations, our councillors, Members of Parliament, the government, the Cabinet and our Prime Minister.”
He also expressed his “love” for the country, reflecting on his visit to the Jewish state earlier this year as Home Secretary, and described his visit to Yad Vashem as “something I will never forget”.
Six other Cabinet members and senior Ministers also spoke at the event.

USA/UK/ISRAEL – It is interesting to note that the three leaders of the Unites States, Israel and Great Britain have become, it would seem the victims of lies. It would seem that the left in each country will use any means possible to discredit their opponents.
The latest is about Boris allegedly touching a lady’s knee 20 years ago. How many of us can remember what we did 20 years ago, but to call this a crime is unbelievable. In America the Democrats are bringing people out of the woodwork as well, the latest being the whistleblowers (who are protected) talking about a phone call the President had with the leader of the Ukraine…..and PM Netanyahu being accused of things like accepting cigars.
It seems that the opposition will stop at nothing to make sure these men do not get re-elected.

IRAN – Good news and bad news came from Iran this week. First the good news. An Iranian foreign ministry spokesman tweeted a message in Farsi, English and Hebrew, wishing a Happy New year to “Jewish compatriots” and “all true followers of the great prophet Moses”.
The bad news and far more predictable – At the UN’s General Assembly, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani had the chutzpa to accuse Israel and America of being the true terror-masters.
That’s more like the Iran we know.

Pray for the IDF and IAF as they defend the boarders and continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Every blessing, Maranatha.

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