Thursday 11 June 2020

Over 1,000 ‘Health Experts’ Sign Letter of Support for Black Lives Matter Mob: Conservative Protesters Racist Must Stay Home due to COVID-19

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Over 1,000 ‘Health Experts’ Sign Letter of Support for Black Lives Matter Mob: Conservative Protesters Racist Must Stay Home due to COVID-19

By JohnMcTernan on Jun 10, 2020 08:39 pm


It is out in the open the medical profession is now just a political arm of the deep state. They are at war with us and now very dangerous. Remember, the Nazis used the German medical profession against the people and the Jews. They already called us white racists for disagreeing the them!!! Now, it will not take much for the deep state to use them to murder us! The war is out in the open with no holds barred. They are at war with us and are taking the fight directly to us. They will not stop without the use of force. They taste blood.
This is all of God showing us what they have planned for us. We are repent and pray and call on the Lord for his protection. We are to stand in the name of Jesus and trust the Lord.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Proverbs 6:16,19 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
“A group of over 1,000 “health experts” signed a letter supporting the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests and riots but are against any conservative, working American or Christian protest gathering.
These dishonest hacks try to explain how the dangerous Black Lives Matter protests and riots are good for society and acceptable during a pandemic.
But these same leftists describe conservative protests agaisnt COVID-19 lock downs as racist and dangerous and should not be allowed. They actually wrote this in their letter:”


“Doctor: Journal’s retracted study of ‘Trump drug’ was ‘political hit job'” This false report was done on purpose to block hydroxychoroquine which is a cure for the coronavirus to sick people! Why would someone do this? The reason is this disease was being use by the deep state to kill as many people as possible to destroy the economy and help bring down President Trump. Also, it is very cheap while the vaccines are very expensive, so the drug companies also were involved because of money. This is pure corruption on every level. It also is murder because people died without getting this drug!
“The politicization of the COVID-19 treatment promoted by President Trump, hydroxychloroquine, has taken another dramatic turn with a premiere medical journal’s retraction of a widely reported study that led to the shutdown of major clinical trials.
Establishment media seized on a study by The Lancet concluding the commonly used anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine increased the risk of death in COVID-19 patients. But the journal has pulled the study, and three of the four authors have issued an apology, citing concerns about the quality and veracity of its data. The World Health Organization, which paused its trials in response to the study, will resume them, and dozens of other trials have resumed as well,”

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