Tuesday, 31 July 2018


Did We Just Dodge A Second 9/11??? 
After the July 22, 2018 Danforth attack the media and police utterly betrayed themselves by conspiring to suppress the Islamic terrorist link.
Did We Just Dodge 9/11 2.0?
William Kay image
By William Kay —— Bio and Archives--July 29, 2018

Did we just dodge 9/11 2.0?
On July 22, 2018 Faisal Hussein, a Canadian-born 29-year-old male of Pakistani heritage and Muslim faith, opened fire with a handgun on citizens along Toronto’s Danforth Avenue, killing two and wounding 13. After an exchange of gunfire with police Faisal Hussein turned his gun on himself.
Faisal was known to police. He had posted favourable comments on jihadi websites and had recently visited Afghanistan.
Cache of weapons, including 31 identical high-end handguns, and 42 kilograms of carfentanil
In mid-2017 Faisal’s brother, Farad Hussain, suffered an overdose. He has been in a coma ever since.
In September 2017 firefighters responded to a carbon monoxide alarm at a house on Liatris Drive, in Pickering, Ontario (40 kilometres east of Toronto). Inside the house they found a cache of weapons, including 31 identical high-end handguns, and 42 kilograms of carfentanil. It was the largest carfentanil find in North America; if not the world. This house was Farad Hussain’s home at the time of his overdose.
The media misrepresent the 42 kilos of carfentanil as a major narcotics stash. Actually, it was a massive chemical weapons stockpile. 
A 2016 AP article titled: Chemical weapon for sale: China’s unregulated narcotic, stresses that:
“Before being discovered by drug dealers, carfentanil and substances like it were viewed as chemical weapons.”
The article quotes Andrew Webber, Assistant Secretary of Defence for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defence from 2009 to 2014. Asked about carfentanil, Webber states bluntly:
“It’s a weapon.”
Carfentanil was developed in the 1970s as an emergency tranquilizer for large animals, however:
Carfentanil is 100 times stronger than its weaker cousin fentanyl which is 50 times stronger than heroin
“Governments quickly targeted it as a chemical weapon.”
Carfentanil is 100 times stronger than its weaker cousin fentanyl which is 50 times stronger than heroin. By weight and volume carfentanil is as deadly as traditional military-grade nerve agents.
This information is confirmed in a Guardian article titled: Dose as small as a grain of sand can kill you: alarm after Canada carfentanil bust; which came out on November 12, 2017 in response to the carfentanil find at Farad Hussein’s home. The article points out:
“Carfentanil has been studied as a chemical weapon by US, China and Israel.”
For an expert witness The Guardian summoned Brian Escamilla, a forensic chemist who has trained US DEA agents for over a decade. Asked about carfentanil, Escamilla responded.
“I don’t view it as a narcotic, I view it as a toxin and a potential WMD… And I think a lot of agencies are now looking at it from that perspective too.”
In 2002 carfentanil was used by Russian authorities to end a hostage-taking incident in a Moscow theatre. Between 100 and 200 hostages died after inhaling a carfentanil mist the authorities had surreptitiously pumped inside that spacious auditorium.
The second largest carfentanil seizure on record occurred in British Columbia in 2016. Teams in full hazmat gear were called in to remove 1 kilogram from a shipping container. The arithmetic in the reportage regarding both this 2016 BC bust and the 2017 bust at the Danforth shooter’s brothers’ home is wonky; especially as regards the latter.
Regarding the former we are alternatively told that 1 kilogram of carfentanil could yield up to 50 million LETHAL doses; or up to 50 million STREET doses – two very different quanta.
Forty-two kilos of carfentanil is more dope than they could deal out in forty-two centuries
Regarding the bust at Farad Hussain’s home we are told that 42 kilograms of carfentanil yields 420,000 STREET doses. (Intriguingly, the primary source document for all reportage on this bust is a press release from the Durham Region Police Department – since removed.)
The precise lethal dosage of carfentanil is unknown and controversial. Estimates are as low as 20 micrograms; or 20 one millionths of a gram, which explains the 50 million figure. Other estimates are much higher. A veterinarian accidently splashed about one thousandth of a gram in his eye and survived; albeit with emergency medical assistance. 
In either case, the 420,000 street dose estimate is absurd. On the street heroin is often sold in “points” or 0.1 of a gram. Forty-two kilograms divides into 420,000 “points.” Carfentanil, however, is 5,000 times stronger than heroin. One point of carfentanil would slay a raging elephant.
Packaged in marketable, “recreational” units 42 kilograms of carfentanil would yield BILLIONS of doses.
The Hussains are alleged to have been involved in a neighborhood (Thorncliffe Park) gang. Forty-two kilos of carfentanil is more dope than they could deal out in forty-two centuries. Your local Safeway does not keep billions of cans of soup on the shelf. This volume of carfentanil exceeds by many magnitudes what even a major international mafia would keep in stock.
Also note: carfentanil is a rarely used, rarely seized, drug in Canada. The chemical is simply far too dangerous to traffic and sell. Farad probably “overdosed” off the ambient vapours in the house.
Hence, the most logical explanation for the weapons cache and chemical stockpile in the Pickering house is that they were for use in a major terrorist attack.
Farad’s brother and compatriot, who no doubt frequented the stash-house on Liatris Drive, just carried out a suicide terrorist attack on civilians in downtown Toronto. What could 30 Faisals and Farads with handguns, hazmat suits and canisters of aerosolised carfentanil accomplish?
After the July 22, 2018 Danforth attack the media and police utterly betrayed themselves by conspiring to suppress the Islamic terrorist link.
The September 2017 raid on the Pickering house should have sponsored headlines reading: “Islamic terrorists found with chemical weapons stockpile.” It didn’t.
Institutionalised “Islamophobia-phobia” could get catastrophic.
·         Kinetz, Erika and Butler, Desmond. Chemical weapon for sale: China’s unregulated narcotic; AP, October 7, 2016.
·         Kassam, Ashifa. Dose as small as a grain of sand can kill you: alarm after Canada carfentanil bust; The Guardian, November 12, 2017.
·         Dunn, Trevor. Danforth killer had no criminal record but guns, gangs and drugs weren’t far away; CBC News, July 27, 2018
·         Dormer, Dave. Deadly opioid carfentanil bound for Calgary seized in Vancouver; CBC News, August 9, 2016

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"The Secret Reason Arabs Reject the Jewish Nation-State Law" By Bassam Tawil From "The Gatestone Institute"!

The Secret Reason Arabs Reject the Jewish Nation-State Law

by Bassam Tawil  •  July 31st 
  • Some Israeli Arab leaders speak disparagingly about Israel for publicity. They know that no newspaper would ever mention them if they were dealing with issues such as sewage or a shortage of classrooms in Arab schools. If they say something bad about Israel or provoke the Jews, however, they will certainly receive a headline in the press.
  • Israeli Arab leaders can incite against Israel as much as they wish. Their slander will not change the reality that Israel is the only thriving democracy in the Middle East, and treats its minorities with respect. While minorities are being persecuted and murdered in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Libya and other Arab and Islamic countries, the Arab citizens of Israel are being integrated into the state. They hold high positions in the Supreme Court, the Foreign Ministry, the health sector and even the Israel Police. The majority of the Arabs in Israel can work anywhere they wish, they can travel anywhere in the country, and they will continue to enjoy all the privileges, benefits and freedoms that Jewish citizens do.
  • Some Israeli Arab leaders want Israel to give up its wish to be a Jewish homeland because they are hoping that one day Jews will become a minority in their own country. For far too long, they have been inciting their constituents against Israel and Jews. If these leaders are so unhappy in Israel, perhaps they would consider moving to Ramallah or the Gaza Strip or any Arab country. Perhaps they would care to resign from the Knesset. Why do they refrain from doing so? Because it is in the Jewish homeland, supposedly so harmful to them, that they and their children can live and thrive.
Zouheir Bahloul, an Arab Member of Knesset, is the last Arab citizen of Israel who is entitled to complain about discrimination. For decades, he was one of Israel's most popular sports journalists, revered by Arabs and Jews alike. He has always enjoyed a comfortable life in Israel -- one he could never have dreamed of experiencing in any Arab country. (Photo: Knesset Spokesperson)
The hypocrisy of the leaders of the Arab citizens of Israel, who are now crying foul over the new Jewish Nation-State Law, has, in the past few days, reached new heights.
These are the same leaders whose words and actions for the past two decades have caused serious damage to relations between Jews and Arabs in Israel, and to the interests of their own constituents, the Arab citizens of Israel.
Israeli Arab leaders, specifically the Knesset members, say they are outraged not only because the law defines Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people, but also because the new legislation does not include the phrase "full equality of rights for all citizens."

Monday, 30 July 2018

Israel Intercepts A Ship With 22 Activists On Board Trying To Break The Gaza Naval Blockade!!

Israel intercepts ship trying to break Gaza blockade

The IDF intercepts a flotilla with 22 activists on board that was headed to Gaza with an intention to break the naval blockade on the strip; The activists, some of which are Israeli, said the vessel was hijacked; IDF 'Incident passed without exceptional events.'
Associated Press

Israel's military says it has intercepted a ship carrying activists en route to Gaza aiming to violate the legal naval blockade on the coastal territory.

The IDF Spokesperson's Unit said the ship had been monitored and was detained according to the international law. "The IDF forces clarified to the activists on the ship that they are violating the legal naval blockade and that any humanitarian equipment can be transferred to Gaza through Ashdod Port," the statement read.

Freedom Flotilla
Freedom Flotilla

The incident incident passed "without exceptional events" and the ship was taken to the Port of Ashdod. The Freedom Flotilla Coalition, an umbrella group comprising pro-Palestinian and Islamic charities from around the world, said on Twitter that Israel had "hijacked" the vessel.

It said there were 22 activists from 14 countries, mainly from Europe but also Malaysia, the US and Israel, carrying 100 boxes of medical aid for Gaza, on board of the Al Awda ship, which is only a few days ahead of another boat also making its way to the strip in an effort to break the blockade. Israel and Egypt imposed a blockade on Gaza after the Islamic militant group Hamas took over the territory in 2007.

Israel says it is crucial to prevent Hamas, a group sworn to Israel's destruction, from arming. Critics say it is collective punishment of Gaza's 2 million people. There have been several attempts to sail to Gaza in recent years, most notably in 2010 when nine Turkish nationals died during a violent confrontation with Israeli naval commandos.

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