The Hitlerian New World Order
It is hard to imagine a mindset that could plan the extermination of billions of people. Unfortunately, this failure of imagination provides such psychopaths with the freedom to execute their evil desire.
They want you dead, and they don’t want you to wake up to their plans until it’s too late for you. They want you as quiet and passive as possible, as you wait in line for your turn in the gas chamber.
And yes, it really is a Hitlerian future that awaits us. They really do see themselves as the master race, and we are the subhuman, useless eaters – consuming what they think of as rightfully theirs.
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The Hitlerian New World Order
Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany was the New World Order’s first big attempt at a takeover, but it failed because they didn’t have the right tools. And, the sheep that they were trying to kill had become too aware, too fast. The sheep fought back, and it was too much for the New World Order to handle.
So, the New World Order is trying again, but this time with better, more powerful tools – against sleepier, less aware sheep.
The Globalist Playbook
Dave Hodges wrote an excellent article, last Thursday, that lays out the tools that the New World Order elites plan to use, as well as the hands that wield these tools:
Zbigniew Brzezinski is the most visible and vocal of the hands that have designed and produced the machinery of death that they plan to use against us. The other is
Henry Kissinger. Both men have been acting on behalf of the New World Order for decades, and it appears that their plans are being set in motion.
What are these plans?
Genocide, of course. But, it will be a process of genocide that will bring them more and more power, as more and more of us die. It will be a slow enough process so that those who are being targeted will throw themselves at the mercy of the ones that are killing them. It is an ages-old tactic with a proven record of success. And, they are using it here.
Pandemic Disease
Consider their use of pa"ndemic disease as an example. We have had two genetically different strains of Ebola break out at the same time in Africa, yet most of us haven’t stopped to think about how statistically unnatural that is. Nor have we thought to ask why we are being lied to about the transmission of Ebola and its lethality.
Of course, once it arrives on America’s shores –
assuming that it hasn’t already immigrated there – the dangers will be hyped, as well as the solution.
Their solution.
Dave’s article highlights the training and preparations made by FEMA for such an event, and that should give you a very, very clear idea of the future. And no, you do NOT want those vaccines and those FEMA camps.
And, if Ebola doesn’t work as advertised, others will surely do the trick. And, we’ve seen some interesting diseases pop up recently that might work for the NWO.
You’d do anything, to save your child, right?
Right. Enough said.
Localized EMP – Taiwan Style
And, let’s not forget an EMP attack, or some other form of a take-down of the US power grid. Dave Hodges postulated that a limited EMP attack might work to neutralize the US, while preserving the infrastructure that they want.
Those of us living in Taiwan are quite aware of how China might assist the New World Order in their plans. We’ve known for a long time that China has experimented with the idea of limiting the area of effect of an EMP weapon, by controlling the altitude of where that weapon goes off.
A localized EMP strike has long been a part of Chinese plans for an eventual military invasion of Taiwan. It would completely eliminate the technical infrastructure and leave Taiwan defenseless to invasion. In fact, Taiwan would be in so much trouble, that they would beg for China to invade.
The problem for the Chinese, in using such an EMP weapon, is that China herself would be severely damaged if the device went off too high above the Earth. It’s a tricky problem that we believe that the Chinese have successfully figured out, which may be why Taiwan has been surrendering to China over the past decade.
A localized EMP strike on the ‘fly-over’ states, or some other form of destruction of the power supply in those areas, would work nicely for the New World Order. Middle America has always been the biggest obstacle to New World Order efforts, so taking them out would be the first order of business for them. The sheeple on the East and West coasts have been drinking their kool-aid for some time now, and would be no threat to them.
Dollar Death
Then, a moment will come when the US dollar needs to die the death that the New World Order has prepared for it. That death isn’t far away, and a lot more than the US financial system will go along with it.
Across the globe, lots and lots of people will die, as economies cease to function. Farmers won’t have the means to buy their seed, fuel their tractors, fertilize their fields or water their crops. Food distribution will fail, and vital services will collapse.
What would be a mechanism for such a collapse?
Well, you need only look at the drills that they have been announcing and participating in.
Dave talks about a couple, and you’ve no doubt heard of how vulnerable Chase, Bank of America, Citi, HSBC and others are to cyber attack.
And yes, they ARE vulnerable to cyber attack, but the banks won’t be taken down until the NWO has a global currency replacement ready to be implemented. Furthermore, they’re getting ready to beta-test their solutions in places like Israel and Ecuador. In fact, we’ve been playing around with one of their prototypes for some time –
Going To War
Of course, pandemic disease and financial collapse still won’t be enough, which is why they will take us to war. And, I find it interesting that we are entering a period of time, in which the global war cycle and internal conflict cycle coincide.
Martin Armstrong has spoken often about war cycles, and the fact that we have entered two of them at the same time should be deeply unsettling for all of us. And, you can bet that the NWO elites will use global and local conflicts to bring us ever deeper under their control – and kill off as much of the world’s population as possible.
But… It’s Just Too Hard To Believe
Please remember that the New World Order really does believe in the need to bring Earth’s human population down to under one billion people. And, this belief has infected the elites of academia and scientific research. And yes, they really do believe that the vast majority of humanity must be killed off, if we are to have the kind of future that they want.
Unfortunately, most people would take what I’ve written so far, to be the product of an over-heated imagination. It is beyond the capacity for most people to imagine such evil. And, what you cannot imagine, you probably cannot see.
My Own Horrified Inability To See
A little less than ten years ago, a Palestinian terrorist blew up a packed bus just down the street from my apartment. It wasn’t the first time that something like that had happened near me, but it was the first time that I had grimly decided to go and take pictures.
It was only years later, when I was showing someone those pictures, that I saw the dead bodies in the bus. My mind had been unable to see the body parts visible within the exploded remains of Egged bus 32a. And, it was a powerful example of how the mind can refuse to see reality – even if it is lying in plain sight.
Consequences Cannot Be Ignored
Unfortunately, this reality of a planned genocide is just such an example of the unimaginable that cannot be seen –
because it is too awful to think about – even though it is visible for all to see. We DO see it, but have chosen to respond to that sight by indulging ourselves in lies and self-deceit, hoping that the force of our desire to wish away an awful future will be powerful enough to send it winging away, to never-never-land.
But, that’s not how reality works.
We can ignore the truth, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring the truth.
I truly hope that you’ll be ready for this(That’s a link. There’s not much time left.)
A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. –
Proverbs 22:3
If you find a flaw in my reasoning, have a question, or wish to add your own viewpoint, leave a comment on the website. Your input is truly welcome.————————————–
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