Khamenei: Time for new world order As Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi visits Iran for first time since 1979, Tehran's spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei makes scathing speech against West Dudi Cohen, Roi Kais "Iran's motto is nuclear energy for all, nuclear weapons for none," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei declared Thursday, in a speech welcoming Egypt's President Mohammed Morsi to Tehran. Morsi's visit was the first by an Egyptian leader to Iran in over three decades. Iran's state TV in a live broadcast showed Morsi being received with full red-carpet honors by Tehran's vice president in charge of executive affairs Hamid Baghaei in the capital's Mehrabad airport on Thursday. Related stories:
The world, Khamenei said "Is in transition towards a new international order and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) can and should play a new role." The summit (Photos: AFP) He further underlined the need for solidarity among all NAM member-states, saying it was an "obvious necessity" in the current era for establishing this new order. Khamenei stressed that Iran "will never pursue nuclear weapons but? will not give up right to nuclear energy," which he called the "given right of every country." Iran, he said, "regards the use of chemical weapons as an unforgivable sin, but it will not forego its right to use peaceful nuclear energy." The Ayatollah then accused the "Zionist regime's henchmen" of committing "any and all crimes" adding that it is aided by the West. NAM nations, he said, believe that the world should not be run "according to the western dictatorship of a handful of countries? This mechanism is unreasonable, unfair and undemocratic. "The United States and its allies talk about human rights when in fact they are talking about western interest? torture and assassinations are ignored if they are carried out by the United States or the Zionists," he stated. Khamenei further blamed the "Zionists" for "waging various wars, massacre and state-sponsored terrorism in the last decades." He blamed the western world for "supporting and defending the Zionist regime of Israel against the oppressed Palestinian nation. "Iran's called for solution to the Palestinian issue, calling for a "comprehensive referendum to be attended by all the indigenous residents of Palestine, including those refugees who have been away from their motherland for decades to determine the country's fate." The Iranian leader urged the White House leaders to revise their Middle Eastpolicy and "show courage and opt for the referendum solution" and stop what he called the US' "astronomical spending" on Israel. Ban at the summit UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who is attending the summit, did not protest in any way when Khamenei referred to Israeli leaders as "bloodthirsty wolves." "We must not fear the West," Khamenei concluded. 'UN members do not call for destruction'In his address before the summit, and without naming Iran, Ban denounced his hosts for threatening to destroy Israel and for denying the Holocaust. "I strongly reject threats by any member state to destroy another or outrageous attempts to deny historical facts such as the Holocaust," Ban said. "Claiming that Israel does not have the right to exist or describing it in racist terms is not only wrong but undermines the very principle we all have pledged to uphold," he added. 'We aspire for a better future'Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed the summit next: He began by asking attendants to commemorate the memory of the slainnuclear scientists who were assassinated in Tehran in 2011 by observing a moment of silence. "We have come here together in order to study the situation and move towards a better future for our nations and humanity." He blamed "some countries" for controlling the world's wealth and leaving the rest to wallow in poverty, saying that many countries have great debt and tap into other nations' resources to cover it. He then blamed the United States for taking control of the "riches of other nations" illegally. "The beauty of human society has been systematically attacked and there is great effort to impose a certain kind of life on world nations that would leave them without social identity," he said. "Lasting peace and security is being turned into an unattainable wish? Why is that?" The Iranian president asked. Ahmadinejad stressed that "Arrogant powers are blatantly supporting terrorism," and further accused the UN Security Council of being "powerless before the nations that support the Zionist regime. "Some nations are warmongers and only care about their own interests and so they don't care and trample on basic human rights." World order, he continued, must change: "Global management must change and we all must stand up for that? If we wait for years than our time will also come to an end without being able to make a change in the right direction." Ahmadinejad urged countries worldwide to abandon "aspirations of monopoly and dominance and opt? for the joint management of world affairs." NAM, he said, can have a key role in world affairs and the Islamic Republic has a lot to offer the world in technology, finances and legislation. The UN is ready for NAM to help it in its reform and to help it "reach itss governing potential," he added. "If we tap into this great global movement and use it the right way we will be able to usher in a new beautiful era for humanity", he said. |
Brian is a well known Bible teacher with a particular emphasis on Biblical end time events. Believing that these events are already underway, he believes that the Rapture of the Church to glory is imminent. Brian and Gilly (pic here with Bethan)travel throughout the UK and he also teaches in Europe and the USA. Although they are regularly in fellowships and churches who know them well, they are most happy to visit new venues to bring the message of the Gospel and the nearness of Christs return.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Dear Friends,
The report below, if true, is very significant. These moves are expensive and politically sensitive so are not conducted on a whim or weak intelligence.
Russian naval vessels have unexpectedly departed the Syrian Mediterranean port of Tartus and Russian arms shipments to Syria have been suddenly discontinued. <span class="debka">debka</span><span class="file">file</span>’s military sources reveal that those and other military steps indicate that the Russians are rapidly drawing away from the Syrian arena to avoid getting caught up in the escalating hostilities expected to arise from military intervention by the US, Europe and a number of Arab states. Russian intelligence seems certain that this foreign intervention is imminent.</p>
For full story, please go to
The report below, if true, is very significant. These moves are expensive and politically sensitive so are not conducted on a whim or weak intelligence.
Russian naval vessels have unexpectedly departed the Syrian Mediterranean port of Tartus and Russian arms shipments to Syria have been suddenly discontinued. <span class="debka">debka</span><span class="file">file</span>’s military sources reveal that those and other military steps indicate that the Russians are rapidly drawing away from the Syrian arena to avoid getting caught up in the escalating hostilities expected to arise from military intervention by the US, Europe and a number of Arab states. Russian intelligence seems certain that this foreign intervention is imminent.</p>
For full story, please go to
Co-op Group suffers 34% fall in profits!!
- Bad weather and bad debts have hit half-year sales and profits at The Co-operative Group, but CEO Peter Marks insists performance will improve in the second half of the year.
Group sales were flat at £6.56bn in the 26 weeks to 30 June, while operating profits fell 34% to £174m during the period - largely due to the society taking an extra £46m hit to cover bad debts in its banking business against the year before.
Marks put a 1.2% slide in like-for-like food sales down to the weather. “retailers often blame the weather but impulse, ice cream, salads and soft fruit sales were non-existent this year,” he said.
CFO Steve Humes added: “For three out of the last six months, our like-for-like sales were in the black, but April and June were the worst on record. Our trading has been absolutely in sync with the weather.”
Total food sales were down 2.2% to £3.6bn over the period, following the society’s sale of 90 unwanted Somerfield stores this time last year.
However, Marks said the society was introducing a number of initiatives expected to boost sales over the next six months. These included a trial of new formats in 12 stores across the UK, launched after a customer insight programme found its one-size-fits-all approach to stores and ranges “simply doesn’t work”, said Marks.
The trial stores have introduced ranges closer suited to the local demographic and generated a 12.5% uplift in like-for-like sales. The new formats are expected to be rolled out across the UK early next year.
PS. Similar articles have appeared in "The Grocer", "Retail Newsagent", "The Convenience Store", and several other retail magazines.
God will not be mocked! All who bring judgement on Israel must suffer the consequences (Gen 12:3). You reap what you sow! The Co-Op have decided to boycott all Israelii goods, so please continue to boycott the Co-Op yourself.
God will not be mocked! All who bring judgement on Israel must suffer the consequences (Gen 12:3). You reap what you sow! The Co-Op have decided to boycott all Israelii goods, so please continue to boycott the Co-Op yourself.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Very interesting article from the "Israel National News" which claims that Egypt used American-made tanks and Sam missiles in the Sinai..
Please open the link below for the full story.
Please open the link below for the full story.
Both Jesus in Matthew 24 and John in the Book of Revelation warn that "there will be pestilences..." in the end times!
Please open the link below and read of these mysterious and frightening pestilences!
Please open the link below and read of these mysterious and frightening pestilences!
Abbas, another fool who knows neither the Bible or history. Note this man while you can because he will not be around for long. Please read open link below for full story.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Is Israel planning EMP attack on Iran?
Tehran nearing 'zone of immunity' against conventional assault on nuclear sites
F. Michael Maloof, staff writer for WND and G2Bulletin, is a former senior security policy analyst in the office of the secretary of defense.
Editor’s Note: The following report is excerpted from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, the premium online newsletter published by the founder of WND. Subscriptions are $99 a year or, for monthly trials, just $9.95 per month for credit card users, and provide instant access for the complete reports.
WASHINGTON – Analysts say because Israel now believes diplomacy has failed to halt Iran’s nuclear program and the Jewish state’s very survival is at stake, Israelis have not ruled out a Jericho III missile launch to detonate a single electromagnetic pulse warhead at high altitude over central Iran.
In addition, analysts point out the use of long-range aircraft with refueling capability would be highly complex and pose many logistical problems. Israel also probably would not be allowed overflight permission from Turkey, Iraq or Saudi Arabia to reach its Iranian targets. Further, such an approach would minimize any element of surprise.
Meanwhile, top religious and political officials in Iran have issued repeated warnings they plan to obliterate the Jewish state. Israel has made an assessment that Iran is on the threshold of a breakthrough to make a nuclear weapon. However, some national security experts, including some in the United States, believe Iran is several years away from making such a device. And they say actual weaponization – the ability to miniaturize a nuclear bomb to fit on its nuclear-capable missiles – still is further off.
Debate over just how close Iran may be to making a nuclear weapon has raised the issue of the quality of the intelligence to back Israeli claims. Sources point to the example of the intelligence used to assess Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction that prompted the U.S. to attack Iraq in March 2003.
With Iran continuing its enrichment program, however, Israel and some Western countries are concerned that the amount of low-level uranium it has enriched could be enriched further to some 90 percent purity – which is what is required to make nuclear weapons. U.S. officials don’t assess that Iran has reached that point.
Given that Iranian sites may be hardened against a conventional military attack, several Israeli and foreign sources believe that Israel has a nuclear device to create an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, that would produce little radiation on the ground but could knock out all of Iran’s electronics.
Israel also is assessed to be able to launch nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles from its German-supplied Dolphin electric submarines that could carry a one-kiloton or more device and explode over Iran, effectively neutralizing all of Iran’s electronics.
This would include Iran’s command and control capabilities and its ability to launch ballistic missiles in retaliation to a pre-emptive Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear sites, which Western intelligence has assessed is a cover to make nuclear weapons. Sources say that an Israeli EMP attack also would effectively halt Iran’s ability to launch its forces to block the Strait of Hormuz, which the Islamic republic has threatened to do if it is attacked, along with targeting a number of U.S. military facilities in the region, as well as Israel.
An electromagnetic pulse occurs following a nuclear weapon exploded at a high altitude, creating a very strong electrical field that can overwhelm all electronics, knocking out or seriously damaging any electronic devices connected to power sources or antennas, including communications equipment, computers, electrical appliances, automobile and aircraft ignitions systems. Experts say it also can adversely affect a person’s implanted heart pacemaker device.
The effect from an EMP would be very similar to electronics in a near lightning strike or a solar storm which also can affect electronics but on a lesser scale than a pulse from a high-altitude nuclear explosion.
Another scenario discussed among some Israeli leaders is the detonation of an EMP over the entire Middle East, including Israel, whose military infrastructure has been hardened against such attacks. This would allow Israel to fly its jets directly to Iran without concerns about detection. Though it would also turn out the lights in Israel, sources there say the Jewish state could bring power back for civilians in a matter of days. A detonation at an altitude of up to 250 miles not only would affect all electronics in Iran but could damage electrical systems from the Middle East and much of Europe, these experts add. Such an EMP event also would dramatically affect all U.S. military facilities in the region.
An EMP attack on the United States, for example, from a 30-kiloton nuclear weapon exploded at an altitude of 62 miles, or 100 kilometers, effectively would knock out 70 percent of electrical systems up to a thousand miles in every direction. A similar explosion at a higher altitude of some 250 miles would virtually affect all electronics from Boston to Los Angeles and from Chicago to New Orleans, according to experts.
Consequently, a detonation limited to Iran would have to be at a much lower altitude to avoid such far-ranging effects on the electronics in the region and beyond.
According to U.S. intelligence sources, Israel not only possesses nuclear devices of one kiloton or more which would be sufficient to create an effective result from an electromagnetic pulse but has Jericho III missiles which it tested in 2009 capable of carrying nuclear payloads some 2,500 miles. The distance between Israel and Iran is approximately 1,000 miles. U.S. sources knowledgeable about ways to “harden” buildings and other facilities against an EMP attack say business in this area has been booming throughout the Middle East for months. In recent weeks, U.S. intelligence officials have told WND/G2Bulletin that they have detected Israel handling propellants for its Jericho missiles.
The prospect that Israel has this capability was first made known by an ex-CIA case officer, Chet Nagle, at a Capitol Hill EMPact America press conference held in Washington, D.C., in November 2011.
A similar prospect was outlined in a Nov. 10, 2011, Front Page Magazine article, “Connecting the Nuclear Dots on Iran,” written by Kenneth Timmerman who is the president of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran and maintains close ties with the Iranian opposition.
“Any Israeli attack on Iran is sure to make of Israel an international pariah, Nagle argues,” Timmerman said in quoting Nagle in a conversation. “Plus, the likelihood of success – that is, in destroying or disabling all of Iran’s nuclear weapons capabilities (by conventional means) so they have nothing to launch on the morning after the attack – is low.
“If you’re going to go to all that trouble and be a pariah,” Timmerman quoted Nagel as saying in their conversation, “why not take one of those Jericho missiles, and detonate it 300 miles above the surface and deliver an EMP strike on Iran? That would stop their clock – if it’s electric – as well as all those centrifuges and everything else. Then the Greens can take over the country and we can go back in and rebuild the grid.”
The prospect for this doomsday approach has arisen due to a comment made by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak last February that Iran was entering a “zone of immunity” from military attack. Other officials in recent days have suggested that such a “zone of immunity” will be reached before the end of the year.
“The world, including the current U.S. administration, understands and accepts that Israel necessarily views the threat differently than they do, and that ultimately, Israel is responsible for taking the decisions related to its future, its security and its destiny,” Barak said.
Given that this “zone of immunity” could be reached before the end of the year, there has been increasing speculation in recent days that Israel may launch an attack prior to the U.S. presidential elections in an effort to force the U.S. to act. Sources say that the Israelis have assessed that if President Obama is re-elected, he may want to continue down the path of negotiating with the Iranians. The sources add that by attacking prior to the U.S. elections in November, the U.S. then will have no choice but to back Israel due to the U.S. commitment to ensure Israel’s security. They add that it also will help Obama’s re-election efforts.
Iran, however, insists that its nuclear development program is for peaceful purposes as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and as a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Under the terms of the NPT, Iran has the “right” to enrich uranium as it is doing. Iran has enriched up to 20 percent, which is more than enough for refueling its nuclear reactors but is considered an acceptable level for medical research. As early as 2005, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a fatwa, or religious decree, that is a legal pronouncement in Islam, that the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons are forbidden under Islam and that the Islamic republic “shall never acquire these weapons.” Last February, Khamenei reiterated his 2005 fatwa.
“The Iranian nation has never pursued and will never pursue nuclear weapons,” he said. “There is no doubt that the decision makers in the countries opposing us know well that Iran is not after nuclear weapons because the Islamic republic, logically, religiously and theoretically, considers the possession of nuclear weapons a grave sin and believes the proliferation of such weapons is senseless, destructive and dangerous.”
Sources say that the edict from Khamenei is considered more than a fatwa, given that he not only is an ayatollah but also the supreme leader of Iran. For that reason, what he said is considered a hukm, or decree of the Supreme Jurisprudent, or Vali-yi Faqih, that determines the legal framework of the Islamic republic in accordance with Islamic law.
By Matthew Taylor, Winsford Guardian – “VAST concentrations of dead fish have surfaced along the River Weaver in Winsford in Cheshire, England. Eyewitnesses report thousands have perished along the water course, from the flashes down to Newbridge.
The Environment Agency (EA) has classed the incident as Category 1– its highest degree of severity.
The EA is awaiting laboratory results on water samples from the affected area to determine what caused the rapid de-oxygenation of the river. The water at Newbridge would usually read between 50 to 100 per cent oxygenation. An early reading by the EA returned a reading of just 2 per cent.
Guy Humphreys, fisheries manager for WDAA described the moment he discovered the dead fish.
He said: ‘I got a call about a tree that was down, overhanging the water. I went to have a look and noticed in the river there were all these dead fish.
‘There were so many dead or dying that I could have walked across the water on them. There’s tens of thousands of fish have been killed.’
Mr Humphreys promptly phoned the EA.
Meanwhile, people back up the river in Winsford began to witness the grizzly scene at the flashes.
Deputy mayoress of Winsford, Hilary Kennedy, said: ‘I was on the high Street walking the dog when a friend of mine came towards me from the direction of the flashes and stopped to talk.
‘She told me that she was shocked to see there were a lot of dead fish in the water around the marina, the Town Bridge and all along the river.
‘She said that there were policemen there and a heck of lot of other men, plus someone in a canoe.’
The river has a rich diversity of species, including bream, roach, silver fish, carp, tench, perch and pike…
‘It takes 15-20 years to get stocks back up to the way they were. It’s soul destroying. It’s not just fishing either, there’s the knock on affect on all wildlife in the area.’” Read more.
The Environment Agency (EA) has classed the incident as Category 1– its highest degree of severity.
The EA is awaiting laboratory results on water samples from the affected area to determine what caused the rapid de-oxygenation of the river. The water at Newbridge would usually read between 50 to 100 per cent oxygenation. An early reading by the EA returned a reading of just 2 per cent.
Guy Humphreys, fisheries manager for WDAA described the moment he discovered the dead fish.
He said: ‘I got a call about a tree that was down, overhanging the water. I went to have a look and noticed in the river there were all these dead fish.
‘There were so many dead or dying that I could have walked across the water on them. There’s tens of thousands of fish have been killed.’
Mr Humphreys promptly phoned the EA.
Meanwhile, people back up the river in Winsford began to witness the grizzly scene at the flashes.
Deputy mayoress of Winsford, Hilary Kennedy, said: ‘I was on the high Street walking the dog when a friend of mine came towards me from the direction of the flashes and stopped to talk.
‘She told me that she was shocked to see there were a lot of dead fish in the water around the marina, the Town Bridge and all along the river.
‘She said that there were policemen there and a heck of lot of other men, plus someone in a canoe.’
The river has a rich diversity of species, including bream, roach, silver fish, carp, tench, perch and pike…
‘It takes 15-20 years to get stocks back up to the way they were. It’s soul destroying. It’s not just fishing either, there’s the knock on affect on all wildlife in the area.’” Read more.
Friday, 17 August 2012
How Palestinians Keep Shooting Themselves in the Foot
by Hisham Jarallah
August 17, 2012 at 5:00 am
August 17, 2012 at 5:00 am
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Instead if using the billions of dollars that were given to them by Americans and Europeans to create new jobs, the PLO leadership stole most of the funds and later blamed Israel for damaging the Palestinian economy.As the Arab countries continue to impose strict employment restrictions on Palestinians, Israel is opening its doors to Palestinian workers from the West Bank. Palestinians say, in fact, that Israel is becoming one of the largest employers of Palestinians in the Middle East.
Figures released this week by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics in Ramallah showed that at least 80,000 Palestinians were now working in Israel and even in Jewish settlements.
In the first quarter of 2012, according to the bureau, there were only 77,000 Palestinians working in Israel and the settlements. In the second quarter of the ear, the number grew to 80,000; and earlier this week, the Israeli government issued work permits to another 10,000 Palestinians from the West Bank.
The move has been received with a sigh of relief among Palestinians, especially as it comes on the eve of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan.
The figures also showed that Palestinians employed by Israelis earn more than those who work for their Palestinian brethren in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. A Palestinian construction laborer often earns more than a senior ministry official in the Palestinian Authority government in the West Bank or the Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip.
What is interesting about the bureau's report is that the number of Palestinians working in Jewish settlements has increased despite calls from the Palestinian Authority to boycott the settlements.
Mahmoud Abbas and Salam Fayyad's attempts to prevent the workers from going to the settlements has failed largely because they were not able to provide them with alternative employment. Despite the billions of dollars that were showered on the Palestinian Authority in recent years by the international community, Abbas and Fayyad still have not been able to solve the problem of unemployment in the Palestinian territories.
The Arab world, which once used to absorb hundreds of thousands of Palestinian employees, is beginning to close its doors in the face of Palestinians. Many of the Arab countries accuse the Palestinians of being ungrateful. Others do not want to see Palestinians at all: they consider Palestinians troublemakers and a source of instability.
Some Arab countries such as Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait and Jordan even impose apartheid-like regulations and laws that prevent Palestinians from earning a decent living.
The Palestinians could have built one of the best economies in the region after the beginning of the peace process in 1993. But instead of using the billions of dollars that were given to them by Americans and Europeans to create new jobs, the PLO leadership stole most of the funds and later blamed Israel for damaging the Palestinian economy.
Suicide bombings and financial and administrative corruption are the main reason why the Palestinian economy remains as weak as ever. The Palestinians are experts in shooting themselves in the foot and then blaming Israel.
Hisham Jarallah is a journalist based in the West Bank
The Most Dangerous Man in the World
The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Ali Khamenei
AUG 20, 2012, VOL. 17, NO. 45 • BY REUEL MARC GERECHT
One of the startling cultural disconnects in studying Iran is how unimpressive
the officials of the Islamic Republic usually are. Reading Persian history
inclines one to expect Iranians to be highly cultured and nuanced, delicately
balanced between a conservative religious faith and a love of refinement
and pleasure. Remember the Persian vizier to the Turkish Seljuk sultans,
the eleventh-century Nizam al-Mulk, whose “mirror for princes” is a forerunner
to Machiavelli’s reflections on power.
Or the sixteenth-century Shah Abbas the Great and his astonishing, often
inebriated, court in Isfahan, which solidified Persian as the lingua franca among
Muslim elites. Or even, in more mundane, modern times, Amir Asadollah Alam,
a minister to both Pahlavi shahs, with his enormous capacity to marry tradition
to modernity, a skill that his last boss sorely lacked. But the days of such
accomplished men are long gone. Iran’s ruling class today is incapable of
attracting the country’s best and brightest. In their place have risen corrupt and
crude ideologues, who have made Iranian society, even for the devout, often
unpleasant and embarrassing. And what happens internally works its way abroad.
the officials of the Islamic Republic usually are. Reading Persian history
inclines one to expect Iranians to be highly cultured and nuanced, delicately
balanced between a conservative religious faith and a love of refinement
and pleasure. Remember the Persian vizier to the Turkish Seljuk sultans,
the eleventh-century Nizam al-Mulk, whose “mirror for princes” is a forerunner
to Machiavelli’s reflections on power.
Or the sixteenth-century Shah Abbas the Great and his astonishing, often
inebriated, court in Isfahan, which solidified Persian as the lingua franca among
Muslim elites. Or even, in more mundane, modern times, Amir Asadollah Alam,
a minister to both Pahlavi shahs, with his enormous capacity to marry tradition
to modernity, a skill that his last boss sorely lacked. But the days of such
accomplished men are long gone. Iran’s ruling class today is incapable of
attracting the country’s best and brightest. In their place have risen corrupt and
crude ideologues, who have made Iranian society, even for the devout, often
unpleasant and embarrassing. And what happens internally works its way abroad.
Although the Islamic Republic is
moving ever closer to obtaining a
nuclear weapon, the ruling caste
—Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei
in particular—has not been adroit
in advancing the cause. Western
indecision, timidity, and greed rather
than Iranian diplomatic skill and strategic
acumen have permitted the steady
progress of the nuclear program. If the
supreme leader had more Persian
wiliness, Tehran would surely get its
nuke with far less damage to the economy
than it is suffering. The possibility of an
American or Israeli preemptive strike would
be far more remote. The odds that Khamenei’s aggressive, small-minded faith would
lead his country into a war with Israel and the United States would be much lower
than they are.
moving ever closer to obtaining a
nuclear weapon, the ruling caste
—Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei
in particular—has not been adroit
in advancing the cause. Western
indecision, timidity, and greed rather
than Iranian diplomatic skill and strategic
acumen have permitted the steady
progress of the nuclear program. If the
supreme leader had more Persian
wiliness, Tehran would surely get its
nuke with far less damage to the economy
than it is suffering. The possibility of an
American or Israeli preemptive strike would
be far more remote. The odds that Khamenei’s aggressive, small-minded faith would
lead his country into a war with Israel and the United States would be much lower
than they are.
The Islamic Republic’s most powerful figures seem incapable of escaping their
revolutionary religious identities and acknowledging their own rich culture, let alone
the Western, mostly Marxist, ideas that have so profoundly shaped them.
Read Ali Larijani, the speaker of Iran’s parliament, on Western philosophy,
a subject in which he reportedly got a Ph.D., and marvel at the contortion of his
thinking, at the inferiority complex that makes a good mind seem stupid. A close
confidant of the supreme leader, a former nuclear negotiator and commander in
the Revolutionary Guard Corps, Larijani is incapable of playful conversation with
non-Muslims—something that comes easily to your average Persian Muslim.
Instrumental in crushing Iran’s liberal intellectual efflorescence in the 1990s,
Larijani is not unique: The revolutionary elite today has an enormously difficult
time so much as saying “hello” to those who have not sprung from its world.
revolutionary religious identities and acknowledging their own rich culture, let alone
the Western, mostly Marxist, ideas that have so profoundly shaped them.
Read Ali Larijani, the speaker of Iran’s parliament, on Western philosophy,
a subject in which he reportedly got a Ph.D., and marvel at the contortion of his
thinking, at the inferiority complex that makes a good mind seem stupid. A close
confidant of the supreme leader, a former nuclear negotiator and commander in
the Revolutionary Guard Corps, Larijani is incapable of playful conversation with
non-Muslims—something that comes easily to your average Persian Muslim.
Instrumental in crushing Iran’s liberal intellectual efflorescence in the 1990s,
Larijani is not unique: The revolutionary elite today has an enormously difficult
time so much as saying “hello” to those who have not sprung from its world.
The Iranian regime really should have been able to outplay the West in the
recent P5+1 nuclear meetings in Istanbul, Baghdad, and Moscow. Contrary to
what is sometimes written on the American right, they manifestly did not. The
Europeans and the Americans held firm, though they wanted to deal. Even more
than President Barack Obama, the Europeans want to avoid an Israeli preemptive
strike. In the White House and in Europe, there is little appetite for more
impoverishing sanctions. All would prefer to stop, if the Iranians would only
adhere—perhaps just pretend to adhere—to the Non-Proliferation Treaty,
which Iran signed and ratified in 1970 and which actually allows a lot of
maneuvering room for a nuke-seeking deceitful state.
recent P5+1 nuclear meetings in Istanbul, Baghdad, and Moscow. Contrary to
what is sometimes written on the American right, they manifestly did not. The
Europeans and the Americans held firm, though they wanted to deal. Even more
than President Barack Obama, the Europeans want to avoid an Israeli preemptive
strike. In the White House and in Europe, there is little appetite for more
impoverishing sanctions. All would prefer to stop, if the Iranians would only
adhere—perhaps just pretend to adhere—to the Non-Proliferation Treaty,
which Iran signed and ratified in 1970 and which actually allows a lot of
maneuvering room for a nuke-seeking deceitful state.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Israel 'prepared for 30-day war with Iran'
Continue reading the main story
Iran nuclear crisis
Israel's outgoing home front defence minister says an attack on Iran would likely trigger a month-long conflict that would leave 500 Israelis dead.
Matan Vilnai told the Maariv newspaper that the fighting would be "on several fronts", with hundreds of missiles fired at Israeli towns and cities.Israel was prepared, he said, though strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities had to be co-ordinated with the US.
Meanwhile, a US blogger has published what he says are Israel's attack plans.
Richard Silverstein told the BBC he had been given an internal briefing memo for Israel's eight-member security cabinet, which outlined what the Israeli military would do to prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons.
Continue reading the main story
Jonathan Marcus BBC Diplomatic Correspondent
The text of the purported Israeli cabinet memo is just that, text. There is no document as such and thus it is impossible to verify if it is indeed an Israeli cabinet paper of some kind. But its purpose for Richard Silverstein is clear. He believes it was passed by a serving officer to the politician and then leaked by him precisely to alert the outside world to the scale of Israel's military plan to strike at Iran and thus to reduce the chances of it ever happening.
An unprecedented public debate is under way in Israel on the wisdom of launching an attack against Iran. And this leaked document, whatever its source, and whatever its original purpose, has become an element in that debate.
The document itself is striking in both the scale and scope of the military operation that it proposes. It also employs a range of technologies, many of which we have known that the Israelis are developing, but this document suggests that they are battle-ready and fully operational.
An unprecedented public debate is under way in Israel on the wisdom of launching an attack against Iran. And this leaked document, whatever its source, and whatever its original purpose, has become an element in that debate.
The document itself is striking in both the scale and scope of the military operation that it proposes. It also employs a range of technologies, many of which we have known that the Israelis are developing, but this document suggests that they are battle-ready and fully operational.
Tehran insists its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful.
'Israel prepared' The purported leaked Israeli memo suggests that the military operation would begin with a massive cyber-attack against Iran's infrastructure, followed by a barrage of ballistic missiles launched at its nuclear facilities.
Military command-and-control systems, research and development facilities, and the homes of senior figures in nuclear and missile development would also be targeted.
Only then would manned aircraft be sent in to attack "a short-list of those targets which require further assault".
BBC diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus says it is not possible to verify the authenticity of the document, but the proposed mission would be huge and have potentially far-reaching consequences.
Iran's government and military have made it clear that if it is attacked either by Israel or the US, it will respond in kind, either directly or through proxies.
In his interview with Maariv, Mr Vilnai said Israel had "prepared as never before".
"There is no room for hysteria," said the former general, who is stepping down at the end of August to become Israel's ambassador to China.
He echoed an assessment by Defence Minister Ehud Barak, who said that it was believed that some 500 people in Israel might be killed.
"There might be fewer dead, or more, perhaps... but this is the scenario for which we are preparing, in accordance with the best expert advice."
"The assessments are for a war that will last 30 days on several fronts," he added, alluding to the possibility of attacks by the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shia Islamist movement, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Islamist militants in the Gaza Strip.
Mr Vilnai also declined to comment on US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta's assertion on Tuesday that Washington did not believe Israel had yet made a decision on whether or not to launch a strike on Iran.
"I don't want to be dragged into the debate," he added. "But the United States is our greatest friend and we will always have to co-ordinate such moves with it."
On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that Mr Vilnai would be succeeded by Avi Dichter, a former head of Israel's internal security agency, Shin Bet.
In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the group "Americans for Freedom of Information" has Released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College ... Released today, the transcript school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors havebeen seeking. Along with the evidence that he was first born in Kenya and there is no record of him ever applying for US citizenship, this is looking pretty grim. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama's legitimacy and qualification to serve as President article titled, "Obama Eligibility Questioned," leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama's first official visit to the U.K. In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups,Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerning Obama's legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey . This lawsuit claims Obama's dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president..
Donofrio's case is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama's citizenship or qualification to serve as president.
Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama's campaign spending. This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still ongoing but that the final report will be provided to the U.S. Attorney general, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment on the matter...
Subject: RE: Issue of Passport?
Paul Hollrah at FSM believes the issue can be resolved by Obama answering one simple question: What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi? So how did a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket, suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later?And once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi, what passport was he offering when he passed through Customs and Immigration? The American people not only deserve to have answers to these questions, they must have answers. It makes the debate over Obama's citizenship a rather short and simple one.
Q: Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?
A : Yes, by his own admission.
Q: What passport did he travel under?
A: There are only three possibilities.
1) He traveled with a U.S. ... Passport,
2) He traveled with a British passport, or
3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.
Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981?
A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. .. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981.
Conclusion: When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.If he were traveling with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims. And if he were traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.
Whatever the truth of the matter, the American people need to know how he managed to become a "natural born"
American citizen between 1981 and 2008.
American citizen between 1981 and 2008.
Will the West Bank Become the Next Islamic Emirate?
by Khaled Abu Toameh
August 16, 2012 at 5:00 am
August 16, 2012 at 5:00 am
Hamas continues to operate in the West Bank under the cover of hundreds of Islamic charities and organizations. An Israeli pullout from any part of the West Bank, under the current circumstances, will undermine the Palestinian Authority and most likely lead to its collapse, paving the way for radicals to seize control.
Those who think that Hamas and other Islamic groups do not have a strong presence in the West Bank are completely detached from reality.
True, these groups are lacking in arms and ammunition in the West Bank, but they still enjoy broad public support among Palestinians.
For now, security coordination between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is all that is preventing Muslim fundamentalists from taking over the West Bank.
The Jordanians also have an interest in cooperating with Israel to stop the fundamentalists from rising to power in the West Bank. Over the past decade, Israel and Jordan have been working closely to block the Islamic tornado from sweeping the West Bank.
These efforts have thus far been successful in thwarting attempts by radical groups to set up terror cells in the West Bank.
Wary of the growing threat, the Palestinian Authority has been waging a fierce battle against supporters of Hamas and other radical groups there.
Thousands of suspected fundamentalists have been rounded up separately by Palestinian Authority security forces and the Israel Defense Forces.
Thanks to intelligence provided by the Palestinian Authority government, many Hamas supporters are now being held under administrative detention in Israel. The detainees are being held without trial to avoid embarrassment of the Palestinian Authority.
But the tough security clampdown has not been able to stop Hamas and its allies from increasing their political power in the West Bank.
Hamas continues to operate in the West Bank under the cover of hundreds of Islamic charities and organizations: the movement also has a strong presence on most of the Palestinian universities and colleges in the West Bank, where its supporters operate under different labels such as the Islamic Bloc and Islamic Union.
Hamas, moreover, still has direct and indirect control over many mosques in the West Bank despite efforts by the Palestinian Authority to "liberate" the holy sites.
Yet Hamas is not the only Islamic group that is very active in the West Bank.
In recent years, Hamas has been challenged by Hizb-ut-Tahrir [Party of Liberation], an international pan-Islamic organization seeking to unify all Muslims under an Islamic state, or caliphate, ruled by Islamic law.
In the past few months, in Ramallah and Hebron, Hizb-ut-Tahrir held two major rallies calling for and Islamic caliphate; they attracted tens of thousands of supporters. Neither Israel nor the Palestinian Authority was able to stop the organization from holding them.
Hamas, Hizb-ut-Tahrir and their political and ideological allies in the West Bank have been emboldened by the "Arab Spring," which has seen the rise of Muslim Brotherhood to power in a number of Arab countries, including Tunisia and the largest Arab country, Egypt.
These organizations have further been encouraged by the apparent emergence of an Islamic emirate in Sinai, next to the one that already exists in the neighboring Gaza Strip.
The only way to keep Hamas and other radicals groups from taking over the West Bank is by enhancing security coordination between Israel on the one end, and the Palestinian Authority and Jordan on the other.
An Israeli pullout from any part of the West Bank, under the current circumstances, will undermine the Palestinian Authority and most likely lead to its collapse, paving the way for the radicals to seize control.
A strong Israeli presence along the border with Jordan is also needed to prevent the smuggling of weapons and Muslim fundamentalists into the West Bank. The Jordanians also need Israel on their border to keep Hamas and the radicals from infiltrating the kingdom.
Without all these measures, the West Bank will quickly turn into an Islamic emirate.
Friday, 10 August 2012
Please note a new date for my diary for later this year.
I will be speaking at the Wigan branch of the PWMI on Saturday, the 1st December at 7.30pm. The venue is the Bryn Christian Fellowship, Downall Green Road, Bryn, Near Ashton in Makerfield.
The Pastor of the Church is Steve Clay, who can be contacted on 01942 716993 or by email at The other point of contact is Russ Fairhurst on 01942 237525 or 07587 170575. His email address is
If you are in the Wigan area in December, or are prepared to travel to receive some warm fellowship and good teaching, we will be delighted to see you.
Also please note that the December teaching weekend at Saltburn titled "Truth and Timing Of Christmas" should have read from December 7th to 9th, and not November as previously advertised. The list below has now been amended. This promises to be a lovely time of fellowship and teaching just prior to the pagan event we call "Christmas", so please make an effort to attend if at all possible.
Maranatha Blessings,
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