Tuesday 1 February 2022

Two Key Global Shortages That Could Spell Disaster For 2022


Two Key Global Shortages That Could Spell Disaster For 2022
This was supposed to be the year that things 'got back to normal', but as we move forward into February and beyond, there are two key global shortages that we are going to want to keep a very close eye on.
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Wolves In Sheep's Clothing - 'Faithful America' Shutting Down Conservatives
They claim to be "the largest online community putting our faith into action for social justice." But what they really are, watchdogs warn, is a "religious version of MoveOn.org."
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Transgender Surgeries And The Weight Of Reality
Unthinkable a couple of decades ago, it's now normal to deny the purpose, the meaning, and the goodness of the human body. Not only do we celebrate unnatural ways of using it, we see it as something to be reinvented and remodeled, even mutilated if that allows us to "be ourselves."
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Anti-Israel Christian Leadership Spreads Dangerous Message
The groundwork for today's attitudes in mainline Presbyterian churches towards Israel were laid 100 years ago when the belief gained ground that much of the Bible was myth. The seminaries have turned out pastors who, oddly enough, don't believe in big chunks of the Bible.
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