Friday 7 August 2020

New York City Will Now Have COVID-19 Checkpoints That Remind Me Of The ‘Show Me Your Papers’ Interrogations From WWII Nazi Germany

New post on Now The End Begins

New York City Will Now Have COVID-19 Checkpoints That Remind Me Of The ‘Show Me Your Papers’ Interrogations From WWII Nazi Germany

by Geoffrey Grider


The checkpoints will be operated by various law enforcement agencies, with the New York City Sheriff's Office coordinating the effort "at major bridge and tunnel crossings."

America's largest city by population, New York City, has decided to take a page from the Nazi Playbook from WWII, and set up military-style checkpoints at all bridge and tunnel crossings. There is a whole litany of things that they will do to you if you do not comply, not the least of which is a $10,000 dollar fine, and they are saying they intend to be as aggressive as possible under this new regime.
Under a Democratic governor and mayor, the once-bustling New York City, the "big apple", the "city that never sleeps", has been reduced to a festering garbage pile whose populace is fleeing from as fast as humanly possible. New York City is well on it's way to becoming a Third World country as junkies openly shoot up in the dirty-strewn streets. To put it more simply, there is no better ad to want to make you 'vote Republican' than to simply watch the misery and suffering that Democratic leadership in New York is inflicting on the its citizens.

New York City Setting Up Military-Style Quarantine Checkpoints For Travelers From COVID-19 Hot Spots

FROM NPR: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Wednesday that for the first time law enforcement units will establish COVID-19 quarantine checkpoints.
"We will have checkpoints at key entry points to the city," de Blasio said at his daily briefing.
The goal is to track travelers and city residents returning home from more than 30 states now designated by New York state as coronavirus hot spots. Those people will be required to complete travel health forms to support contact-tracing efforts.
"Travelers coming in from those states will be given information about the quarantine, reminded that it is required and not optional," de Blasio said, adding that stiff fines can be levied against those who flout public health rules.
The checkpoints will be operated by various law enforcement agencies, with the New York City Sheriff's Office coordinating the effort "at major bridge and tunnel crossings."
"We need to ensure visitors and New Yorkers returning home are taking the necessary precautions," Sheriff Joseph Fucito said. "We're going to deploy to be very visible."
Travelers from most of the U.S. are affected by the state rules requiring 14-day quarantines. While enforcement has increased, public health officials acknowledge compliance largely relies on public cooperation.
"Having people see that these checkpoints are starting to happen around the city is going to send a powerful message," de Blasio said.
City officials said they're offering travelers help and support — including food and medication delivery — while they're in quarantine. This week, New York state officials added Rhode Island to the list of "hot spot" states where infection rates are high enough to trigger the travel restrictions. READ MORE

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